An Existential Metaphysical: Divinity is not approached by - TopicsExpress


An Existential Metaphysical: Divinity is not approached by emotionless concept or..unmoving icon but by participation in Reality “Going outside of our pain, outside of the confines of thought created by our fears, we see that God, Life, Reality truly is glorious. And that includes being interesting. Divinity is not sensual because it is lacking in sensuality but because it is beyond sensuality, something greater than the experience of mere perception of things, which we call sensing things. Yet we try to approach It by denying our senses, not expanding them. Thus we kill the God in us, thinking we are becoming more God-full that way.” “God is not angry, vengeful, or any negative emotions, but since, having experienced mostly that and not being able to imagine truly wonderful positive emotions, we think we can approach the Divine by denying emotions as well. We wish to repress passion, anger, and tears out of existence. Churches call them “sinful”; we deem them “inappropriate” in middle class homes. We create stories where Spock-like figures are said to be mystical, religious, holy, when actually it is Frodo who is. Abbie Hoffman was more mystical, in this sense, than any Pat Robertson or Billy Graham.” “God is approached by more experience of Reality, not less of it. Divinity is not approached by emotionless concept or cold and unmoving icon but by participation in Reality. It is approached by embracing experience of Reality, not by retreating from it. Jesus did not retreat to a cave. We find the Divine through greater participation in life, through inclusion of more of the experience of life.” “Greater participation does not mean more “knowledge” about Reality, but more experience of it … in all of its qualities — sensory, thoughtful, imaginative, emotional … existential.” “Greater Divinity does not mean eliminating the negative experiences of life; it means going beyond the cruder, crueler, meaner, more ghastly negatives to experiences and understandings that include, embrace, and overstand them. We grow in Divinity by going beyond the lesser and meaner modes of understanding Reality, of being pricked and prodded into greater understanding and wisdom by pain.” “…at every level there is a darkness, corresponding to the Reality we do not include and embrace. And it is in interaction with that, with that darkness, that “negative,” that we are spurred ever onwards to greater participation, greater Experience, greater and more encompassing joys, beingness, and inclusion/awareness of the Divinity in which we always exist.” “…in this human life as well as outside of it, in any of our states of being. God is Experience. Being closer to God is having more participation in, more inclusion of the Experience of Reality.” “Undivided experience — in which one cannot and does not distinguish between thought, feeling, perception, and emotion, and all are embraced unthinkingly — is holy … is wholly.” “Infused with the Divine we do not “transcend” Existence, we do not split off from it into something separate which we call spirit … empty and cool … associated with mentality, with abstraction. No, we are already Spirit, we become more of it, embrace more of it … expand outward from it … an expanding circle of awareness and inclusion as opposed to a ladder seeking to put oneself above and separate from what is “below.” And Spirit is what, in this existence, we call life. Or what I call Experience.” https://facebook/notes/michael-adzema/an-existential-metaphysical-divinity-is-not-approached-by-emotionless-concept-or/10152683728223138
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:39:25 +0000

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