An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 7) Dr. Thomas - TopicsExpress


An Interpretation of Matthew 24-25 (Part 7) Dr. Thomas Ice Future Fulfillment Taking into account verses six and seven, this passage is describing future events that will take place during the first part of the tribulation. Since Matthew 24:6-7 is parallel to the second seal judgment in Revelation 6:3-4, it is further fixed within Scripture as part of the future time of tribulation. Revelation 6:4 says, And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men should slay one another; and a great sword was given to him. Thus, early in the tribulation the antichrist is involved in warfare against nations and kingdoms (see also Dan. 7:8, 23-24; 9:36-45). Interestingly senior British diplomat Robert Cooper, who has helped to shape British Prime Minister Tony Blairs view of the world, has written an article that provides insight as to why Blair has been one of U. S. president George W. Bushs strongest supporters for preemptive military action in Iraq.[16] Coopers view of history holds that for the past few centuries the world has seen the rise of nationalism, which has led to international instability. He believes that we are now in the process of moving toward a time of postmodern internationalism, with global coalitions such as the European Union as the transitional stage. Cooper believes that military force is warranted by the international community when there are renegade states like Iraq that refuse to enter into cooperation with this postmodern arrangement. Cooper explains: What is the origin of this basic change in the state system? The fundamental point is that the worlds grown honest. A large number of the most powerful states no longer want to fight or conquer. It is this that gives rise to both the pre-modern and postmodern worlds. Imperialism in the traditional sense is dead, at least among the Western powers.[17] He goes on to say, The EU is the most developed example of a postmodern system.[18] Since we are in a transition from a pre-modern to a postmodern world, then The challenge to the postmodern world is to get used to the idea of double standards.[19] What does he mean? Since there are nations like Iraq who will not come willingly into this wonderful new international community, then they have to be dealt with in the old-fashioned way-militarily. Thus, unlike old liberalism, which tends to be pacifistic, the new liberalism is selectively militant. Cooper calls for a new kind of imperialism that is built upon economic unity, while dealing militarily with dissent. This is why Cooper concludes his essay with a call for a cooperative empire, like Rome.[20] It is not surprising to me that as we see the world currently being set for post-rapture events that a European intellectual would call for a revival of the Roman Empire, but with a new postmodern twist. How interesting that the Bible envisions a similar setup during the tribulation under the antichrist. We can see from a proper interpretation of biblical passages that Scripture calls for a future time as described in Matthew 24:6-7. We should not be surprised that the same God who wrote that Scripture is moving to bring its fulfillment to pass, likely in the near future. Maranatha! (To Be Continued . . .)
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 09:57:39 +0000

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