An MCM recap for those interested ...... After extensive - TopicsExpress


An MCM recap for those interested ...... After extensive investigation and recon, we decided to take the shuttle bus to runners village on race morning. We were relatively close to the front of the line, so the wait wasnt that long but you could see the line was building to the point of wrapping around on itself. So we got out of there just as it was starting to get ugly. To all of our shock and amazement, we quickly learned that the bus driver had no idea where to go. We literally started driving in circles until we found ourselves on the race course on the wrong side of the river and the police were forced to help us get where we were going. Still with a half mile walk to runners village. Ok, everybody calm down. We hit the port-a-potty, check our gear, and make our way to the start line on the closed expressway. Brenda Borla Pollock and I lineup in the 4:30-5 hr corral. Opening ceremony was great with paratroopers jumping in to the start line, star spangled banner, and a flyover by some marine aircraft (V22 Osprey). The start gun sounds and were off!! At least we start moving. 19 minutes later we cross the finish line and the race is on. Past the Marine Memorial (raising the flag on Iwo Jima), and through Rosslyn. Brenda and I stayed together until the first big hill (1-2 mi in) but then I started to run my own race. Across the Patomic and on to an out-and-back thru Georgetown. 9 miles in and the last 6 have been beautiful woods, hills .....scenery. Back along the Patomic, the crowds start to re-appear and I remember having two thoughts 1. I cant wait to finish and 2. I dont think I want this to end. Mile 12 is dedicated to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and I started thinking about their families living without them and even the specific scenarios that took their life. Engaging the enemy face to face requires a large degree of being a Fn badass. Half way point, my time is good but Im starting to feel it in my legs. Not a good sign but Im ok. Mile 15 we start coming back to civilization and the crowds are once again growing by the Lincoln Memorial and parallel to the reflecting pond. A left hand turn and we cut just east of the Washington Monument and then towards the Capital Bldg. Mile 20 is up over Memorial Bridge and thats when the trouble starts. My legs are screaming, I can see the Pentagon, but still over 6 miles to go. Around mile 21 I started walking. Only 30 sec or so at first, but longer and longer. I was grabbing everything I could at food stations, water, Gatorade, whatever. I knew I had to keep running so I pushed as hard as I could. I found a shuffle that was somewhere between a walk and a run but could sustain. Past runners village, up onto the expressway, and a slight downhill to the finish. The crowds were really building now and you could see the huge crowds ahead. Even though I dropped, on average, 35 sec per mile over the last 10K, I knew their was no walking at this point. Down the hill, left turn for a small but painful uphill into the final chute. Fans cheering, Marines high-diving, legs screaming......Finished, Done, Cant take it away now, I earned it. Awesome!!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:04:35 +0000

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