An absolutely great article which has been put together by a very - TopicsExpress


An absolutely great article which has been put together by a very well respected member, please share and like. For the first time ever there are firefighters out who are beginning to hate the political agenda aspects of their chosen careers of firefighting. Some hate it with a passion. They still love the actual job itself i.e. fires, Traffic Accidents, helping and saving people, but the attacks from all quarters makes them want to get out and retirement cant come soon enough. The Pension dispute is still on and most have said, Ill still walk out, Ill still stay out and youll never starve me back to work. Low morale, attacks from the right-wing press, pension promised but stolen for 80% of Firefighters. Pension paid for through a 14% contribution and still rising. Its not about austerity or savings...its about destroying unions, its about divide and conquer, its about privatisation, its about being scapegoated for the private sectors collapse of the banks and incompetent investors. The very same people escaping with huge bonuses, salaries and pensions. Its about allowing tory party donators huge tax breaks and privilege. The last government didnt create this mess, how dare they pay teachers, nurses, paramedics and firefighters a decent dare they! But this government will lead you to believe this economic mess created by overspending in the public sector, is nothing to do with the Leman Bros greed that spread and the bailing out of RBS to the tune of billions. No apparently it was the greedy public sector. You know, that sector that has gold plated pensions (not as good as MPs though). Its the public sectors fault, the same teachers, nurses and firefighters that rely on secondary jobs just to get on the housing ladder or feed the children! How greedy and arrogant those Firefighters must be to dare take on a second job, you know...those second jobs they pay tax on that goes back into the economy. How dare they for those long hours expect a pay dare they expect anything less than a 2/3 year pay freeze, how dare they strike like the nurses because they dared to defend the measly 1% pay-rise promised and then had it taken away. So when this Coalition Government blames the last Labour Government for this mess, when it blames the greedy public sector, when it blames immigration, when it blames benefit claimants (dont forget most of us claim child benefit and will claim pension benefit if the pension proposals are imposed) When this government has managed with the right wing media to convince you it was the Public Sectors fault while covertly privatising their jobs, making them accountable to directors and share-holders, still ignoring those bankers sacked with a £7 million per year pension, allowing corporations a complete green light to avoid tax, just remember who voted them in, just remember the significant low turn-out, but most of all never ever forget while your fire service, hospital, school, police station, ambulance service etc etc was savaged by cuts never ever forget that this government blamed YOU the greedy public sector for this, never ever forget that while they scapegoated you for all this, they created tax breaks for the rich but most of all NEVER EVER FORGET WHILE ALL THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING THEY VOTED THEMSELVES A MASSIVE OBSCENE 11% PAY-RISE.!!!!!!!! IF YOU DO ANYTHING, ASK VIA EMAIL, TWITTER OR ANY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA IF YOUR MP WILL ACCEPT OR DECLINE THIS PAY-RISE? WHILE THE PRIME MINISTER CLAIMS WERE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! WHEN ASKED OF THIS TO SEVERAL MPs, NOT ONE OF THEM HAS STATED THEYLL DECLINE OR REFUSE IT.....FUNNY THAT! NOT A SINGLE ONE! WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO TELL? YOU HAVE THE ARGUMENTS. THE TIME IS NOW, CONTINUE THE FIGHT TO GET THAT PENSION YOU WAS PROMISED AND THAT YOU PAID FOR, NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS. SUPPORT YOUR UNIONS, IT IS ONLY THE PUBLIC SECTOR THAT IS IN IT TOGETHER SO UNITE AND FIGHT. MAKE YOUR VOICES BE HEARD AND DEFEAT THE COALITION.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:43:17 +0000

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