An anonymous Leaky wrote in needing help and we need your help, FB - TopicsExpress


An anonymous Leaky wrote in needing help and we need your help, FB has made some recent changes and our posts are not getting the views we have typically experienced which means Leakies arent getting as much support as they usually do. How much weight did your little one lose after birth? Were you and/or your health care providers concerned? Do you know why they lost weight? Did you know this is common and usually isnt a problem because babies are born with the fat stores they need just for this. And sometimes it isnt as bad as it looks if IV fluids were involved in the labor and birth, artificially inflating babys weight with water they then shed. What can help more Leakies see our posts is more people interacting with a post, be it clicking to read the whole thing, liking it, commenting, and sharing, interactions boost the popularity of a post so it shows in more feeds. Would you consider interacting with this post to help it show up for more Leakies? The anonymous Leaky asks: I just had my daughter Wednesday and breastfeeding has been going wonderfully except a few minor issues. This is my second baby and with my first I think he had a problem latching so we ended up switching to formula at three weeks. My daughter latched immediately and Im really loving having a second chance to breastfeed and loving even more that its working out so well. The main problem weve had is that shes lost 8% of her birth weight. Ive decided its from one or both of two things. First, she takes a long time to wake up and sleeps so well (Im not surprised, her dad is exactly the same way, and takes forever to wake up) so shes been feeding every 3-5 hours instead of every 2-3. Also, she seems to have some tummy issues, and when shes burping and gassy she hasnt wanted to feed. The doctors have recommended supplementing with formula but after failing with my son and how much Im enjoying this with my daughter I am very hesitant to introduce a bottle. I have a pump so I was going to use that to help my supply come in but Id like to avoid bottle feeding if possible. Has anyone else had similar problems and what did you do? Any recommendations on getting her to wake up better and stay awake during feedings, how to relieve her gas enough for her to want to eat, or just any ideas to get her to gain weight while still ebf ing? Thanks in advance, I really dont want to lose this amazing second chance to bond through breastfeeding my child!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 17:05:48 +0000

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