An awareness came to me and Gena recently. Communication at the - TopicsExpress


An awareness came to me and Gena recently. Communication at the level of awakened soul presence is not from one to another, at least not always or optimally. It is knowing in pure unison. That knowing is more spontaneous and in simultaneity than what is called telepathy or psychic knowing, although these could be based in the souls unison knowing. But traditional psychic and telepathy seems to include an element of hierarchy that I do not find in the pure soul. It seems to me that when two or more of us can register this in form, it has far reaching ripple affects on all of us. The question that arises then is how to access this potential. I do not presuppose there is only one possibility. I can only address what I am using myself that works. This is something Gena and I practice with each other and with our students. It is not so easy to describe, I cannot specify a formula. But it has to do with being very honest, vulnerable, and sensitive to yours and others energy. It includes one person remaining in Presence and partnering the other who is exploring or being drawn into conditioning. We have in so many ways become accustomed to labeling our emotions and re-activity in ways that pathologize ourselves and others. This descent into emotion and painful sub-personalities is usually some thing we all would prefer to avoid. And I suggest that we have done just that as individuals and as Western culture. We have become highly developed in avoidance of our human pain. We have secreted it away and buried it alive with guilt and shame. As far as I can tell, we do need the assistance of another who can be in Presence or open sensitive Awareness. During our recent trip to North Carolina, Gena was holding Presence for me as I was exploring some of my painful shadow. Something arose between us that we realized in unison. Each of us at the verbal level added bits of what was being discovered. What came is that Jesus on the cross is our great model or archetype. Who was holding Presence for Him as he descended into Crucifixion? What I felt in my body is that Mary Magdalene was holding Presence in the Heart center while Mother Mary was holding Presence as immense love in her womb. That is why two females were necessary. The Mother could not hold the Presence in the Heart, how could she in that situation? The energy worked out the details in the midst of great passion. Mary Magdalene, in my best guess, is the only one who could withstand that much pressure. Her past had prepared her for a deep renunciation of body passion. When Jesus lost Presence [my interpretation of Why have you forsaken me?], the Presence was held in both the sacred Heart and in the Awakened womb, the creative root of human life. I think this is very important for where we have come today as awakening humanity. I think this is in some way the initiating potential of what Ed Edward Muzika is referring to in his re-posting of Francis Bennett earlier today. It is time for those of us who have awakened to Presence to allow our own descent while being held by a trusted other who holds It for us. I do not think the witnessing quality as a refuge is the appropriate medium for this kind of embodiment. That is why I agree with Ed regarding Nisargadatta. Make no mistake, I love him and Ramana devotedly. They carried out their task with profound integrity. That is not the call of our time. It is not the call of those who are here to integrate and stabilize awakening so intricately into the human psyche that in the near future [20-30 years is my guess], children will not by and large migrate out of the felt sense of unity in being. Witnessing tends to solidify the awakening more into the head centers, away from the integrity of form and therefore negate the lower center where the cradle of the human form and creativity are held. When Presence is shared or entrusted to another, it unifies us collectively in a way that lone wolf realizers do not complete as they remain in the witness as a presumption of superiority. The communal practice of Presence has for us here and now greater potential to awaken the collective mind to its essence. I do not suggest that Jesus or any other intelligent presence designed the Jesus experience with this in mind. This is my interpretation of the symbols, and mythology. I do not place too much significance on what really happened to Jesus. What I look for is the interpretation that empowers us - what is happening within us collectively, within me and within you. What is being revealed now has priority over what was revealed then. And how do we navigate the next steps each and all? I do suggest that as we reformulate our self knowledge, we also potentially redefine what we believe happened in the past. As we alter the course of our evolution, we re-write our history.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 01:22:03 +0000

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