An email sent to all the Irish Senators by a Limerick man. Hello - TopicsExpress


An email sent to all the Irish Senators by a Limerick man. Hello Senators. Let me simplify this by saying since 1997 we pay 5% of our Car Tax and 2% of our Vat since 1997 by way of an Act of the Irish Government - for the upkeep and maintenance of our water. That is €1.2 billion euro a year for water. When Fianna Fail was in power they only put €550 million a euro in a year into the upkeep and repair of our water systems. So what happened to the other €650,000 million per year that was collected through our taxes for the upkeep and repair? Since Fine Gael has been in power they put in €350 million euro a year into the upkeep and repair of our water systems. So what happened to the other €850,000 million per year. that they collected off of us. They have left the Local councils and Corporations without the money to adequately fix and repair our Water supplies. The Fianna Fail and Fine Gael/Labour Governments caused this Water Crisis in Ireland by not putting our tax and vat money where it should have gone. Now some are working with greedy multinationals millionaires and billionaires to enslave to pay for water that we have already paid for. I hereby give my objection, in writing, to the Extra Water Charges and the scrapping of the Irish Exemption in Article 9 of the EU Water Framework Directive on behalf of myself, my family friends, community, city and country and the Kings Island We Wont Pay Group in Limerick and as a member of the FAMILES Separated Peoples charity . I am doing this because The Fine Gael/Labour Government do not seem to understand that the Irish populace do not want this exemption scrapped. I am also going to e-mailing the European Commission to let them know that Minister Alan Kelly is going against the expressed wishes of the Irish People, so that they to will know, if they dont already know, how the Irish people are being ignored by their elected officials. There exist many reasons for Why and What we are protest marching For and Against We are marching for justice and and end to stupidity lies and corruption. These are some of the reasons I marched on the 10th of December in Dublin... Against the Great Irish Water Giveaway. Against Incredible taxes high unemployment and lack of Third level education opportunities.. Against the Great Irish Gas & Oil giveaway to multinationals, Against the slavery of the Irish to pay bonds and banks. For the Magdalene Laundries victims. For the victims of rape that The Church silenced by the Vaticans Crimens Solicitus document. For the 70,000 Irish children that were put up for adoption and only about seven of them have been allowed to find out who their parents are. The many children in unmarked graves. All under F.F and FG Governments watch. The children that were used as lab rats by rich pharmaceutical companies against the beef tribunals, selling off of Irish Companies, Eircom, Irish Gas etc. Against The lack of equality in Family Law and equal parenting rights and grand parent access rights for good people. For the childrens rights to have both parents and extended family in their lives Against the lack of rights and for men suffering from domestic Violence which creates a situation where our daughters and others have more rights and protection than our sons.. For the millions that have left because they saw no future here. The thousands that killed themselves and their surviving children, families and friends. For those that lost their houses, businesses and savings. Fine Gael like Fianna Fail have been in power for nearly 90 years and yet so much terrible things have happened under their watch. Against a Government, Senate and Local councils that are supposed to be there to work for and protect our interests and have failed miserably at it. Who go on to be rewarded by the rich and super rich multinationals. And get fantastic pensions before they reach 65 years old, while those that worked all their lives wait to get pittance at the end of theirs. Now they are creating slave labour with jobs bridge, gateway, internships, saying its progress. For us the Emperor has no clothes for you, some see what they want you to see, the news media and propaganda still has some fooled. They have left the US bring War planes and possibly torture planes into our airports, allowed them access to our phones and internet and banking information under the auspices of anti terrorism. Over 14 separate issues many of which are ongoing;- ie Family Law problems for separated people who are worse off due to the taking of of the €1200 tax allowance from the separated men and giving it to their ex wives, whom are offered gateway jobs, low paying jobs etc and so cannot get the benefit of the allowance. So many of the separated people, their spouse and children are down €1200 to begin with since last year. Also the lack of Equal Parenting Rights in Ireland, where boys will grow up to have less rights than girls where separation and child access is concerned. Where a mans parents have less access rights to grandchildren than the parents on a womans side of a Separated family. We live in a time when 70,000 adopted people now grown up, all born Irish are not being helped to find who their family are the situation is ongoing. Some of those children were used as Lab rats another case which is not over. The abuse of children by the Church and State the situation is ongoing and like the others has not been properly redressed yet. That Seimens offered to put in the meters for free but the contract was given to O Briens company., when O Briens Irish Water company had not been legally set up as limited company yet. No notes were taking in the meeting when the contract was given to them. The Veolia water companies link in all this. That we have paid for our water since 1997 through 5% Car Tax/VRT and 2% VAT. Which means 1.2 billion is collected annually yet Fianna Fail only spent €550 million a year on repairing and maintaining our water supplies. Fine Gael only spent €350 million per year since they have come to power on maintaining it. The suicides victims are ongoing as well and the loss of houses and jobs and the creation of Gateway, jobsbridge, internships etc which will not make the participants any better off or their families. Although the owners of the companies involved must be laughing all the way to the bank. Also the loss of 200,000 Irish people from our country by emigration means that the €3000 per year per person that is to be paid back is now going to be a higher amount for those that are still here and in the work arena. So why would we take another loan out and increase the amount that has to be paid back especially since it cannot be paid back from the Gateway, internships etc. If someone is on a scheme or back in further education here they are not counted as being unemployed in Ireland so the Government has always used false figures to my mind as what the true figure for the unemployed is here.. Limerick is a suicide hotspot two more dead since the protest. Pieta House state that 40% of the people who killed themselves last year were unemployed Separated Men from the Building sector. I do not want to lose our EU Water exemption, I do not want Irish Water set up. I want all the Council Equipment and goods handed back to the Local Councils by Veolia and Irish water. And our water to remain in Irish Hands. Also I believe it is time for this Government and the people in the last Government that crippled our Irish Water supplies to go and not come back, I am calling for a vote of no confidence in them for the list that I have given above. I am a UCC ex student so I voted for the Senate to remain open and remain in senate hands to remain the Watchdogs of the Irish People and future generations and of its resources. So Please do your job and protect me and mine. Yours Brian ,
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 20:29:53 +0000

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