An interesting observation... you know that little box of boxes... - TopicsExpress


An interesting observation... you know that little box of boxes... the nine square grid under your Friends on the left hand side of your page? Yeah, go look... So I have, currently, as of today, at this moment [this means NAOW!] 1,453 friends [honestly. where HAVE all you people come from? What are you doing here? I dont do tricks... er... well, okay, I guess I do... kinda sorta sometimes, but there shall be NO dancing NOR singing for thus is the law!] and over the last few weeks there is a consistent pattern in those nine user pics. Some come and go... popping in and out... Id say about three of em. But there are six... or perhaps seven... who are constant and consistent since Ive started watching it: Phoenix Black, Mina Von Ulf, Logan Creed, Troy Hilton, Scott McClelland, Xian Vox are pretty much always there... with frequent FREQUENT appearances in the other three boxes cycling between Leslie Johnson, Edith Chartier, Thomas Willeford, Anne-Marie Smith, Chris Warrilow, Cleopatra Vii Philopator, Jeremy Day, Osaze McGregor, Heather Vezina, Kit McAllister, Paul K, Daniel X. Belasco ... nearly all the time. Though always in random order, of course. So over the course of several weeks its been the six constant and a dozen on heavy rotation. The commonality between these people? All folk I highly, and I mean HIGHLY, respect and admire for various reasons. I do admire and respect everyone on my friends list [Huh... that does add up to a lot of admiration and respect. I wonder if it weighs more than a feather? I shall have to ask Anubis about all this Maat stuff when I get there] but that double handful listed got a little extra oomph. All for their own reasons. I keep leaving my FB page and coming back randomly to see how it changes. Its interesting how much it really doesnt. Or perhaps Facebook just cant be arsed to keep switching up my little boxes in that Hollywood Square of friends. Or maybe the number is inflated to make me feel good about myself... and I really only have a couple of dozen of you here *hurm* Or maybe... *shifty eyes* those are the people what are stalking me DONT YOU HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO WITH YOUR TIME?!?! Weird things I think about when Im distracting myself from thinking about anxiety... Maybe my Facebook thingee is stuck. Lemme smack it a few times... [And before you say its likely just a perceptual thing based on that your brain is messed up or something similar... Ive been writing it down in little box doodles because I make lists. Its one of the things I do. Im OC... er... Organized that way. Yeah. Organized. So I have a ton of lil box doodles now which are, in their own way, entertaining. Dont ask what I do with them to make myself laugh. You wouldnt like to know].
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 05:21:23 +0000

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