An internet friend post this in one of my groups on Facebook, - TopicsExpress


An internet friend post this in one of my groups on Facebook, Please share and stop this kind of hate crime now! Today, while driving home from a doctors appointment, I was run off the road by a male individual driving a black, Ford, single cab pick up with a black, plastic tool box in the back with the word Delta written on it in red. This individual first passed me turning onto Poinciana Blvd. from 192, in Kissimmee, FL. I thought nothing of it when the individual originally passed me as this is a high traffic area and people are known to speed on this road. I was behind this person for until Poinciana Blvd. bottle necked down to one lane, heading towards Cypress Pkwy. At this point, there is a two lane road, before the bottleneck, and a stoplight. I was in the right lane, this individual was in the left lane. When the light turned green, I was able to reach the lead of the car line, except for one car who sped WAY past me to be in the front position. There was a furniture truck between me and the individual who would eventually run me off the road. Once the furniture delivery truck had turned off onto a side road, the original truck was left behind me. The speed limit on Poinciana Blvd. is 55mph. I was driving at around 58-60mph. I suppose this speed was not a suitable speed for the driver of the truck because he crossed over the double yellow lines to pass me. Like most individuals would do when they see a car going in the same direction next to them, one a 2 lane road (one lane for each direction), you will look at the other vehicle. As I glanced over, I saw the driver look in my direction - first with a smirk on his face, then when he registered me, a Muslim woman in a head cover, his face became angry and he acted out on it. What happens next occurred between Reeves Road up until San Remo, all while a 911 operator was listening to my cries for help. Once it registered to him that I was a Muslim woman, wearing a head scarf, he swerved his car towards mine, while driving next to me, to hit me. I swerved to avoid being hit by this individual and was driving half on the grass and half on the road. I was able to get back onto the road and the individual swerved to hit me again. The final time, he swerved so deep into my lane that I had to go ENTIRELY into the grass and almost slammed into a speed limit sign. I was able to stop before I hit the speed limit sign and when I stopped, the truck also stopped. He was driving maybe 5-10mph and trying to block me from getting back onto the road. Eventually I was able to regain my position on the road, but behind this individual. He would get up to a speed of 40mph, then slam on his brakes, in an attempt to cause an accident. This occured for another 3-4 miles, until we reached Cypress Pkwy. All the while I am on the phone with 911 reporting the driver. After turning onto Cypress Pkwy. from Poinciana Blvd. The individual was blocking me from merging into traffic, as the merge end does eventually end. Each time I would try to get over, he would block my car from moving over. He did this a total of 4 times until I let him get a good dsitance ahead and then a car who was behind me allowed me to get in. Once I got over, this individual began to brake check me AGAIN. I was still on the phone with the 911 operator. She instructed me to get out from behind this individual and to get as far away as possible, as quickly (and safely) as I could. As I tried to switch to the left lane, this truck blocked me from doing so and would repeatedly brake check me. It got to the point where the individual was driving in both lanes, straddling the white dashed line. He continued to block my ever move to get out from behind him, while brake checking me. At the light at Doverplum, he grabbed a red flannel shirt from his seat and wrapped it around his head and made his head bobble from side to side and then flipped me off in his rearview mirror. Eventually, after the light at Doverplum, I was able to get out from behind this individual and get ahead by a few cars. The individual tried to catch up but had gotten into the left lane and I was in the right lane, turning right onto Marigold. When the driver of the truck saw me in the right hand turning lane, he cut all the way from the left lane to the right turning lane, cutting off multiple cars to do so. He began to follow me on Marigold, which was towards the direction of my home. This individual was riding my @$$ like a circus monkey, nearly slamming into me as I drove towards Koa. The driver was still following me and I explained to the 911 operator I was on my way home, I WAS SCREAMING FOR HELP, but the 911 operator explained for me to NOT go home. To just keep driving. The individual followed me all the way to San Remo, where I turned, then made a u-turn at Deauville. At this point, the 911 operator said she would like for me to speak with a deputy and I offered to meet the deputy at the Walgreens on Cypress and Marigold. While returning in that direction, I saw the sheriff deputy PASS THE TRUCK and not even stop him. They had a FULL description of the driver AND the vehicle. Yet he DID NOT stop the vehicle. When I met with the deputy, I explained to him that he had JUST PASSED the individual who was terrorizing me. He said, Well the tag you gave did not pull up any vehicle, so how can you be sure? EXCUSE ME!!! I JUST HAD THIS TRUCK TERRORIZING ME FOR A GOOD 20 MINUTES. I KNOW WHAT THE TRUCK LOOKS LIKE. The deputy asked what happened, pretty much told me sucks for you, go home and be aware of your surroundings and left. No card was given, no incident report - NOTHING. SOMETHING needs to be done. I had 2 of my children in the car, ages 4 and 1, and the driver of the truck KNEW THIS. You can see my daughters in the car seats through the back window. HE DID NOT CARE. He was a white (possibly Hispanic, lighter toned) male, mid 30s to 40s, wearing a white shirt, sunglasses and driving like a maniac. I URGE YOU, THE PUBLIC, TO SPEAK OUT ABOUT CRIMES LIKE THIS. SOMEONE, INCLUDING MYSELF AND MY CHILDREN, COULD HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY HURT!!!!!!!!! POSSIBLY KILLED!!!!! Again, the description of the truck is a black ford, single cab (2 seater) pick up, plastic black tool box in the back with the letters DELTA on it in RED. It has a rusted hood. The Florida license tag ends in 33MW. I cannot remember the full license plate at this time. PLEASE HELP THIS MAN BE CAUGHT AND BROUGHT TO JUSTICE. I spoke with the Srgt. who is in charge of all the deputies in the area and he confirmed THIS IS A HATE CRIME. THIS WAS AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH A MOTOR VEHICLE AND STALKING!!! CONTACT NEWS MEDIA, CONTACT THE SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY AND HELP DEMAND JUSTICE FOR MYSELF AND FOR MY CHILDREN. My 4 year old was crying in the backseat, asking why this man was doing this. My 1 year old was crying and scared. THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THEY SHOULD HAVE HAD TO EXPERIENCE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! SHARE THIS STATUS AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:16:08 +0000

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