An open letter to Ferguson rioters/protesters: A lot of people - TopicsExpress


An open letter to Ferguson rioters/protesters: A lot of people are pissed off about the Darrell Wilson no-bill. Pissed off to the extent that theyre burning down businesses owned by working stiffs who had precisely zero involvement in Mike Browns demise. This is petulance made flesh. The flames have been fanned by a sensationalist media and a cadre of activists, with their own twisted knives to grind, who are more concerned with their narrative than with the facts. Never mind that a grand jury with ALL of the facts before it returned a no-bill. Goddamnit you are all butthurt that your opinion doesnt dovetail with reality, and you want everyone to see just what animals you can be on the thinnest of pretexts. Meanwhile, a 12-year-old boy with an Airsoft gun in Cleveland was shot and killed within seconds of the arrival of the police. Tamir Rice didnt even have a warning to put it down, he didnt bum-rush the police in an attempt to disarm one, he didnt try to run the stupid boot down. They were responding to a call about a kid with a gun that even the caller said was probably fake. Here, live and in color, the kid doesnt even have the time to put his hands up before a dipshit boot fresh from the academy wipes out everything he was or ever would be. While you dumbasses are robbing hard-working men and women of their livelihoods, strolling onto busy streets to block traffic, resorting to petulant high-visibility ways to make your opinion known, theres a genuine case of shoot first, ask questions later policing right in front of you. The attention it deserves is being drawn off by your impotent rage. The responding officers must answer for this. Call for it but do it right this time. Dont seize on it as an excuse to burn and pillage, dont show the world the animals that under normal circumstances you probably arent. Ask questions. Dont throw out invective and threats. Show that you can air grievances within the rule of law and demand peacefully that justice be done. If you can do that you will be treated with earned, not unworthily demanded, dignity and respect. Many of us cant help but see you as a vicious, manipulable rabble that needs to be brutally suppressed. Please, for the love of all that is Holy, prove me wrong. Help everyone see to it that justice is done instead of distracting its pursuit with poor impulse control and excuses.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:55:10 +0000

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