An open letter to my doctors: Dear Drs. Belette and - TopicsExpress


An open letter to my doctors: Dear Drs. Belette and Medina: I want to take the opportunity of this Thanksgiving to express my heartfelt appreciation for the manner in which you have treated me since I was diagnosed with advanced stage lung cancer. You have, to put it in the most simple and truthful words I can muster, saved my life. Not only have you saved my life you have done so in a compassionate and caring way, always taking the time to talk with me and help me understand what I was going through. We have talked on many occasions about the monstrosity being foisted on the American public by President Obama and his cronies in the congress. I personally want to apologize to you for this pogrom called the Affordable Care Act which is anything but affordable. This is an attempt to put the government between the patient and their doctors. We all know that this will lead to a reduction of reimbursement to physicians that will likely not even cover the costs of a traditional medical practice. This will be accompanied by the intrusive hand of bureaucrats telling you what you may and may not do in treating your patients. Our system has functioned for many years based on the premise that you study for many years and work very hard to deliver the best medical care you possibly can. We know that this involves many sacrifices on the part of the physician and his family that the 9 to 5 bureaucrats have never made and dont understand. The reward for this has been a reasonable financial return so your own familys dreams and aspirations can be attained. Now, this man Obama, who has never run so much as a public pay toilet, and his acolytes are dictating to you what you can do and not do and what you will be paid for those efforts. We all know that this will not work as the very best physicians will find a way to treat their patients in the way they believe most benefits the patients or they will leave the profession. We will be left with the marginal physicians or those that are trapped and cant find a way out. These remaining physicians will be seeing more patients for less time and inadequate compensation. This will, in turn, lead to lesser quality care, poorer medical outcomes, long waiting times, and ultimately the destruction of the core of competencies that make ours the final medicine in the world. I am so sorry this has happened. I thought the last election could not possibly have the result we got. I thought the US Supreme Court would do its duty and invalidate this entire destructive law. I was wrong, apparently the Administration and the Congress used enough of the money of hard working people to bribe a sufficient number of voters to stay in power. The Democrats deserve most of the blame for this monumental abomination but the Republicans dont have clean hands either. The two parties and the rest of ruling elite believe they know what is best for us and they will sometimes even admit to this. The combination of a discredited social justice philosophy, the huge amount of taxpayer dollars involved and the sheer narcissism and hubris of the people in Washington are going to undo the efforts of generations of Americans from the founding fathers on to have a country whose government is of the people, for the people and by the people. Welcome to the brave new world. Sincerely and With Gratitude, Martin Smith
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 14:05:07 +0000

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