An open letter to the President of the United States of America on - TopicsExpress


An open letter to the President of the United States of America on this, the Fourth of July: Dear Mr. President, Mr. President, I have some concerns. Mostly about you. I fear you need to step off the pedestal of power you have grown accustom to and consider how things are going from my perspective; an underemployed forty-four year old male attempting to get a foot hold in the middle class. From where I stand you are not making the world a better place for me, my family, my friends, or even total strangers on the other side of the planet. From what I can tell, and to a vast portion of the world, you have become the problem, not the solution. Let us just consider two news stories that greeted me this morning. The first is that France wants the EU to temporarily suspend trade talks with the US over our spying programs. While I do not claim to understand the full complexity of these trade agreements I do understand that they are suppose to benefit both sides, and as such the global economy. Should the trade talks continue I feel it is safe to say talks will turn to the NSA program and your part in continuing it and how the actions of our government are a threat to these trade agreements. How is that a benefit to either side? How does that improve the economy; globally, nationally, or even local to me? The other news story I see you involved in is in Egypt. Why? Why make any statement towards the military who have removed Morsi from power? From what I find online this removal of Morsi by the military has been met with celebration by a majority of the Egyptian people. Indeed, the news reports that a new President of Egypt has already been sworn in, and that a review of the constitution will include a wide scope of interest and movements, suggesting your involvement was not needed at all. And yet, I also find far too many pictures of protesters in Tahrir Square condemning your part in Morsi’s power. Again, I ask, why? Have we not extended our influence, militarily and otherwise, into enough places around the world that we need more people protesting our governments actions? But we both know what the real problem is. Even from your pedestal of power you must sense that your actions, no matter how legal, can still be immoral and wrong. But perhaps it is too late, perhaps the moral grounds upon which you campaigned have been fully worn away and lost. I sincerely hope that is not the case, but even if it is the NSA spying program is detrimental to your government, its people, and the economy. It threatens our foreign trade programs and it has failed to give you any discernible tactical advantage in a military coup. If there has been a practical value in these programs you have failed to reveal it in any form of justification that I have found. It is 9:30am(EST), July 4th 2013 as I write this, a day meant for celebration of freedom in our country. I fear I have never felt less free thanks to your willingness to corrupt the ideals of freedom in favor of the perception of safety. I’m sure you are familiar with Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty.” I have not obtained safety though, not even temporary safety, for I now fear you more than some stranger, some terrorist, or some villain I can not even name. Nor do I feel that I have given up my essential liberty. It has been taken from me by programs you have endorsed and defended. There is another notable historic figure I would like to quote to you, “No transition to democracy comes without difficulty, but in the end it must stay true to the will of the people.” I am sure your own words are familiar to you. I would suggest to you that a democracy is always in transition, and as such, it must always stay true to the will of the people. Well, it is the will of this person, this resident of the country you claim to do the will of, that you cease the immoral and unconscionable spying programs. I do not suggest that I speak for the whole country, not even for all of those who protest to “Take Back the Fourth,” in objection to the NSA programs, but I do suggest that the very celebrations we are to be enjoying today are not meant to celebrate the wholesale betrayal of our trust. Sincerely, A Resident of the United States of America.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 13:22:53 +0000

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