An open letter to the woman who has my granddaughters, Jeana - TopicsExpress


An open letter to the woman who has my granddaughters, Jeana Cristiani. As I said in the very first letter I wrote to you when you got custody of my angels, Phoenix Jean, Vera Lynn and /Sophia. When I saw your picture I thought you looked like a very warm and caring person, I did not judge you I did not know you. As time went on I began to see that you Jeana Cristiani are the opposite of every thing I thought and hoped to be true. My granddaughters were taken from my home my arms under false allegation made by the girls mother and DCF, and you who have never met me or the girls father believe these lies only because it helps you to not fell like you are doing wrong. You are Jeana Cristiani you have tried from the very first day to alienate my granddaughters from me and their father their BIOLOGICAL father who has done every thing demanded of him to get his girls back.Matthew has tried to keep in contact with his girls in every way only to be slammed with your lies and hatred for him. You have used every excuse you can think of not to let them see each other. You lied to the coalition about my granddaughters asking to come home and you lie about time for visits, what else are you lying about Jeana Cristiani? You told my granddaughters that you are their mother and your husband is their father, what else do you tell my granddaughters Jeana Crisitian? You have blocked me from any contact with you and my angels but the glory is still mine, my little Sophia who only knew me for two weeks when they stole her and saw me once a month at the coalition for a couple of months said when she saw me on a Skype visit {thats my gramma thats my real gramma, and I dont even know her], and what did you do? Did you smile and chuckle and say how cute? Did you apologize whole heartedly for the pain those words caused me? No you ended the visit ended it with no good byes no nothing just a blank screen! Why because it hurt you it hurt you because you realized at that moment no matter how much you lie no matter how much money you spend on our girls they will always love us and want to be with us, it is a natural feeling and emotion Jeana and you will never erase it. Matthew and I have proven time and time again that we love those girls and nothing would ever come to harm them not even their mother who is the blame for all of this, and who coincidently has not show one bit of interest for her own daughters or her son that DCF let her keep by another man while she was being investigated by DCF! I can honestly tell you Jean Cristiani that when my granddaughters come home and they will, IF...IF they ask to see you we would most definitely let them see you, but you Jeana Crisitani better hope that they ask to see you, for if not you will not see them ever again. So I ask you this who is the bad guy here who is the liar? Who is doing all this just for their selfish needs and wants? There is not one second of the day that we do not cry for our girls there is not one second that we dont worry if they are ok, we live and breath constant pain, does it make you feel powere full? Why, why Jeana Cristiani do you do this? Or do you even have an answer? You made a friend request at one time and I excepted, I was so excited I thought this is great but to my surprise you only did it to read my page and then unfriended me veery sneaky you are not even woman enough to face me knowingly. And while you were snooping around my page you must have seen all the organizations I belong to to fight DCF, you had to see all the parents whose stories were just like ours, but did that convenience you maybe, maybe at that time all you cared about was Jean Cristiani and what you could get out of it all. money, self admiration I almost feel sorry for you why because I think you think that my granddaughters can some how fill the void you have in your heart, but it wont because your heart is cold and dead only a heart as your own would stop three precious little girls grow up believing their daddy and gramm doesnt love them GREAT JOB Jeana Cristiani.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 19:39:05 +0000

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