An thoughtful reflection on the politics of religion around the - TopicsExpress


An thoughtful reflection on the politics of religion around the world, today. With the story of Buddhist extremism being a reminder that any belief can, and generally will, be distorted into something ugly, as long as people carry that ugliness around in their hearts. Especially when it is emboldened by a world lost in its ugliest impulses. All of this is encouraged by a political extremism gone mainstream. Ugliness in the name of a cause has always done the most damage in human history. This period is no different. Just a very serious and concerning path being beaten backwards. What can be done to turn all this around? The first step? Acknowledging it. Honestly. And our contribution to it. And ending our support for it. No matter what cause it purports to favor. Not just the violence. All of the blind hostility and aggression directed at one another. In the name of the damned foolish and factually impossible notion that anyone can or ever will find a belief or system of belief that will now or ever have all the answers we seek. Or unerringly exercise power to make the world right, again. A fantasy of ego and pride that has done more damage in human history than likely any other belief homo sapiens have ever harbored. The heart of the wisdom of liberal thinkers that inspired the Enlightenment, the American Revolution, and the liberal democracy they inspired around the world, today, that guarantees all of the freedom and the democratic institutions, norms, and values that we all take for granted, today. Where does the world begin to get better, these days? Same as it always has. Within each of us. Finding confidence in our own hearts and minds. And giving up the need to find a crowd, or a belief system, or a party, or anything beyond our own hearts, and minds, and consciences, to sort through the difficult questions of life. And learning to take seriously the wiser skepticism of power that the wisest thinkers and people have always counseled. Loving and respecting the hearts, and minds, and consciences of our family, and friends, and neighbors along the way. And the freedom for each and all of us to exercise them. Taking seriously and living up to our strongest liberal values. And enjoying life, along the way. The way forward for humanity. For as long as we have the thankful opportunity to hang around this planet. Lets enjoy it while we can.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 20:58:15 +0000

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