And another update about the 12 Days of Daemon Black contest. Some - TopicsExpress


And another update about the 12 Days of Daemon Black contest. Some are questioning why they would enter to win these books (Lux Volume 1 and 2 plus Opposition) if theres a requirement to take a picture of a Lux book in your favorite reading spot. That they have to have those books to enter and thats its not fair. Lux Volume 1 and 2 are brand new editions that just came out. They are omnibus versions that include Obsidian, Onyx, Opal, and Origin. Most do not to have these bound versions. They have the old, original versions or they have the digital copies. So most people are not entering to win the same books they have. Also, I do around five or more giveaways a month where they only requirement to enter is to tweet a message or like a Facebook status or something equally easy. Since Opposition was to have no early copies, we wanted to do something that went a little above and beyond tweeting a message since its the last book in the series. There will also be one or more random giveaways during this time that will have little to no requirements to enter, but here is thing. Holding contests sometimes is like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. All contests come out of my pocket (I buy them) or from my own personal stash of books (author copies). I dont need to give away my author copies and track down winners and pay shipping. I could build a fort with them if I wanted to. I could build a sleep buddy out of them and cuddle with them at night. But I give them away. If someone chooses not to read the series because they cant enter to win them is something I honestly dont understand. Especially when I do so many giveaways and doing giveaways rarely lead to new sales. Especially since not every author does giveaways, so I have a hard time understanding how thats a determining factor in what books are read. No one is expecting anyone to rush out and buy a copy to enter. If anything, this contest does give existing readers a chance to get their hands on the last book in the series. And if you have followed me for any amount of time, you know that there will be more chances to win the entire set at some point where they are no requirements. I do contests all the time. Ive had people claim its not fair when anyone can enter because theres too many entries and its not fair if there are requirements that exclude people. Like I said, its a rock and a hard place, but it is what it is. The last thing I want to see is what is meant to be fun turn into something that is negative. Especially when this is just day one of the 12 contests, and there will be chances among these 12 days where you dont have the same requirements.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:52:59 +0000

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