And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the - TopicsExpress


And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. MARK 16:15 ALL THE GOSPEL TO ALL THE WORLD The great commission. Some of the last and final words spoken by Jesus Christ before He ascended into heaven. Thus saith the Lord! All the words of the Lord are important. We always pay close attention to anyones last and parting words. These are the last and parting words of our Lord Jesus.The great commission is not a suggestion; if you feel like it, or if you have time. God gives us the great commission to tell everyone about Jesus. Jesus is resurrected,He was not in His tomb. The angel told Mary, because He is risen, Go and tell the others. This salvation gospel story is not just a come and hear, its a go and tell. Go into the world and preach to all creation. In this passage there are two action words; go and preach. Preach means to boldly and passionately proclaim; to speak the truth. It pleases God to save them that believe. We are to preach(not everyone from a pulpit), but we are are all called to go and tell. Were not to socialize the gospel, but to gospelize the social. The world needs the gospel; family, children, schools, Washington D.C., VBC. Were to preach the gospel to all the world. 1. ALL THE GOSPEL. Glad tidings, good tidings, good news. We still believe the good news of grace and glory. MARK is the oldest gospel. There is no recorded Word from God since MALACHI. This 400 year span is called the inter-testamental period. God said not a Word. The first words is the Angel telling Zachariah, I bring you good news, that he and his wife would have a son, John the Baptist. John the Baptist is the forerunner that came before Jesus preaching the gospel. He said I must decrease and He must increase. The Angel appeared before Mary bringing her good tidings; to carry the gospel. Mary was the first one to carry the gospel. Jesus began to preach the gospel, the good news, all the gospel to all the world. Paul took missionary journeys to all the world. What is all the gospel? The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A. Death. Jesus was beaten, scurged with a spike driven through His side. He yielded up the ghost. The wages of sin is death. When sin is finished it brings forth death. Jesus knew no sin, took on our sins. On the cross, Jesus said, It is finished. We are crucified with Christ. Christ died for us. B. Burial. Joseph and Nicodemus took His body, wrapped it in linen, and placed Him in a tomb. We are baptized with Him, the old man dead. Any gospel that leaves Jesus in the tomb, in the grave, is no gospel. C. Resurrection. He was resurrected. We are resurrected with Christ. Any preacher who preaches anything else, is no preacher at all. The blood of Jesus Christ cleansed us from all sin. 2. ALL THE WORLD. Go ye. Well we dont talk like that. But go you! You mean the great commission is for you? Me? I thought it was for preachers who go on missionary trips. Acts 1:8 Ye shall be a witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world. A. Jerusalem.(Local) Right here at home. Cedartown, Rockmart, Aargon. Our local world. B. Judea(Regional) North Carolina, even Alabama. C. Samaria (Continental) North America, South America, etc. D. Uttermost (Global) Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and the end shall come. This has been the Wednesday night sermon at Victory Baptist Church, by Barry Snapp, as he goes to Peru this week! PRAISING GOD!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 12:29:47 +0000

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