And just when you thought youve seen everything that could - TopicsExpress


And just when you thought youve seen everything that could possibly be bizarre, THIS comes along. It redefines the meaning of the term SPAM. I received an unsolicited email from an individual who supposedly lives in NYC extolling the merits of the World Passport. I have cut and pasted the email for all to read. Consider this a public service announcement should you receive an email like this and you have the thought of running out and applying for one of these priceless documents. The email is rather entertaining and its taken me almost all day to stop laughing. Start quote: THE WORLD PASSPORT Will Also Be Valid in The United States GLOBAL PRESS RELEASE 20-November-2014 | Jaime Pozuelo-Monfort Read President Bill Clinton’s Letters to JP.Monfort written in 2006 and 2007 The day shall come in which All Borders on planet Earth will be gone. Many say this impossible dream does not belong in our lifetime. Centuries might actually pass by until Human Kind tears down all borders in order to unite the World once and for all. The World Passport is a proposal for all countries and territories that will enable the World Traveler to enter any country and territory without the need of a visa and therefore at no cost. Inhabitants of Decemland, the World’s future capital territory established on Malagasy (Madagascar) soil, will be awarded The World Passport. How do I become inhabitant of Decemland, the World’s future capital territory? There are two ways to become inhabitant of Decemland. All Expert Dreamers automatically become citizens of Decemland, and therefore are automatically awarded The World Passport. On the other hand wannabe citizens who aren’t Expert Dreamers might become inhabitants of Decemland through the purchase of one Hectare of land on Malagasy (Madagascar) soil starting at one Million dollars. Call options to purchase one Hectare of land will be made available immediately at $1,000, for a purchase starting in 2025. One Hectare of land represents Ten Thousands square meters. The one Million dollars per hectare will be exclusively used to deliver healthcare education water and sanitation to the extreme poor starting in Madagascar, a country of circa 21 million inhabitants, a majority of whom lives under the extreme poverty line. The World Passport will be a treasure which will grant immediate and automatic access to all countries and territories to its holders. I am personally asking Honorable President Barack Obama to visit my Office in Madagascar in order to sign the Agreement whereby The World Passport will be accepted in The United States. For more information contact Our Team in Madagascar Former Madagascar Deputy Prime Minister Zaza Ramandimbiarison zramandimbiarison@yahoo +261 321133327 Journalist VANF vanfnasolovaliavo@yahoo +261 331550115 Strategic Consultant Thierry Rajaona [email protected] +261 340700711 Your next step if you wish to join the The United States Strategic Team is to send your one-paragraph biography to [email protected]. 3,395 Expert Dreamers from 197 countries and territories have already joined the best team designed to serve the long-term public interest of All Americans. Please join us with love and respect in The Next Meeting of Expert Dreamers in The United States which will take place this coming Friday 9 January 2015 between 17H00 and 20H00 local time at Hotel Millennium Hilton in New York City (www3.hilton/en/hotels/new-york/millenium-hilton-nycmlhh/index.html). For more information please call the Hotel Reception Desk at +12126932001 or Nominated Coordinator Mr Jack Caouette at +1 8316200903. Do not forget to wear a green tie bowtie scarf or handkerchief around your neck. All Americans are welcome. We will be waiting for you. -- JPMONFORT Find out more about the The United States Strategic Team at issuu/jpmonfort/docs/unitedstates The Office of JP.Monfort | Decemland Suite at The Carlton Hotel Rue Pierre Stibbe Anosy, Antananarivo 101 (Madagascar) Tel +261 20 22 260 60 At a press conference around that time, Truman was asked what the United States would get for its aid to Europe. We are not doing this for credit, Truman told the members of the National Conference of Editorial Writers. We are doing it because it is right and its necessary. --- Greg Behrman, The Most Noble Adventure This message and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message and any attachment from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy this message or attachment or disclose the contents to any other person. The intended recipient should be a dreamer who loves and a lover who dreams. If you do not still dream and love, you are encouraged to begin dreaming and loving at your earliest convenience.You are receiving this communication because you have been identified as an Expert in your country. If you no longer wish to receive communications from this Office, please send an empty email with the email address you wish to remove in the subject field to remove.unitedstates (at) monfortcloa (dot) us My guess? The lad listened to John Lennons Imagine one too many times. Since I was the intended recipient, I guess Im free to share the one world view of Mr. Montfort. I am humbled that I have been identified as an expert in my country. Albeit, an expert on immigration FRAUD which, the use of or the issuance of, such a passport certainly qualifies. May everyone have a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:01:31 +0000

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