And now a word from Gina McCarthy, director of the - TopicsExpress


And now a word from Gina McCarthy, director of the EPA--Environmental Protection Agency Dear friends and fellow Americans from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Let me be direct, forthright, and say this so no one on earth can fail to understand--We here at the EPA (and my pet dog who I loving call Boots on the Ground) state that we emphatically are not trying to regulate every puddle of water on your lawns. No. We want most of you in drought condition areas like California and Ohio, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas to stop wasting water on lawns. Is that too much to ask? Like duh? The Colorado River is not carrying its fair share of water and so rationing is now essential in states like California. So dont ask those fancy restaurants at LAX to bring you a glass of water. Oder bottled water instead. (that will help my investment portfolio). Now look, it is absolutely essential that we continue to define the governments claim to water in small waterways and wetlands. The Clean Water Act gave us this authority but it was not spelled out as clearly or as cleanly if you dont mind the pun as we would like. No where in the constitution according to justice Scalia does it say that you have the right to water. Not there. Not in the Bill Rights. So there. We can take what we want here at Big Government which is the right thing to do for the American People. And we have a serious problem with water pollution as seen in the half million people in Toledo who were without drinkable water last year. But Ode for Joy (excuse the pun again) U.S. oil production exceeded 7 million barrels a day for the first time since March 1993 all due to horizontal and hydraulic fracking. Weekly average output of oil rose to 7.002 million barrels a day in the week ended Jan. 4. Our glorious nation lead by our glorious leader has now met 83 percent of its energy needs. Screw the Arabs I like to say any chance you can get. Well, there is that slight cost off the books and outside of the GNP whereby we pollute the water table across the country for the next thousand years. But hey? Nothing comes cheap I like to say. In conclusion, no we are not planning to regulate every puddle on your font lawn. I believe we already have the right to do that. We just send our water violation police and snitch units and then police to pull the plug on your water main to your house. That is what they do in Detroit. If you cant pay your bill no water. So what if half the city of Detroit cant pay. Let them drink bottled water I like to say. Better for my investment portfolio. I already have some great offers to be on the board of water bottling companies after I retire. I mean, what are revolving doors good for in government if you cant supplement the golden parachute of your government pension and free health care. And by tightening our belts together in a fair and equitable manner we will all get through this without too many riots in the streets. And let us hope that Napolitano is nominated to be Attorney General now that that hispanic guy whatever his name is is resigning. Oh, it was Eric Holder. Napolitano is the kind of attorney general who will restore law and order to our great nation. After all, as head of Homeland Security she order 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. I mean, you cant be too careful when it comes to protecting our nation from aggression from the inside as well as the outside. Come to think of it we here at the EPA could use our own militia with a billion bullets to supplement the swat teams and snipers we send to confront those who build unauthorized duck ponds on their farmland. Bless you all. Love and light. thehill/policy/energy-environment/219172-epas-mccarthy-critics-of-clean-water-rule-are-wrong
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 02:52:25 +0000

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