And today’s free mini readings go to … Debbie Davis – You - TopicsExpress


And today’s free mini readings go to … Debbie Davis – You have learnt to look after yourself, to be practical and that you can’t rely on others and this feels as though you’ve had to learn this the hard way, by being greatly let down by someone. You will surprise yourself with the amount of things that you are actually able to do and will draw satisfaction from this. I am being given the name Di. And I am seeing an old wine barrel. Hayley Prior – What I think I am getting is that you need to finish what you start, regardless of whether this is study or a project of some kind, you get all excited and start something and then you get bored and leave it – you’ve left too much unfinished and need to tie up the loose ends. I am given the name Graham. Jenelle Connors – I am being told that you are in the middle of it all – people around you aren’t getting along and you’re the ‘piggy in the middle’ and trying to keep the peace, you’re doing the right thing by not taking sides, however a female in particular won’t see this and will be put out that you haven’t taken her side. I feel an older woman (mother kind of person) who is acting very childish. I am also being given the name Gwen. Anil God-era – Feeling bored, you’re stuck in a rut and you may not have actually realised it as yet. You’re just doing the same old, same old and not looking at pushing your personal boundaries or getting out of your comfort zone. Even if this is just studying another language just for the challenge. Also learning about a new religion and getting some new focus. Jo Wilson – Firstly, someone is having problems with study and I do feel that they have bitten off more than they can chew, they would be better in doing something else that is within their capabilities and succeeding than forever struggling. Watch your back – someone is pretending to be a friend (I feel that this is more work than friends) when they are actually out to take your position or ideas. I do understand that everyone would like a mini reading but to keep things fair for all the mini readings on Facebook are selected randomly as a little thank you for liking my page, when you have liked my page your name is put into an excel spread sheet and the computer program picks the next person, these are done when I have the time to fit them in. I cannot tag you in these readings – you need to check each day or maybe a friend may tag you if they see it. Do realise that they may not make sense RIGHT NOW but could be for a few months or even a year – so just put it somewhere that you can look back on it and that you have free will to do anything you want. If you don’t feel you can wait for your random free reading and would like to have a reading with me, I charge $50 for ½ hour and offer face to face at my rooms in Newcastle, emailed and telephone, I also offer a one question mini reading (one topic) for $10 via email only, a one tarot card reading for $10 and also a 3 tarot card reading for $35 (tarot are by email only). All readings can be booked through my website katrina-jane
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 07:00:01 +0000

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