And today’s free mini readings go to …. Narelle Townsend - TopicsExpress


And today’s free mini readings go to …. Narelle Townsend – someone is having a problem with their nose it’s like they’ve got the sniffles all the time, it’s not a cold though, more like an allergy of some kind that needs to be sorted. Blinds as in for windows, a problem with one or it breaking. I’m also getting something about sinus problems. Find out all the facts before making any judgements about some gossip that you hear. Lenay Marie – I am being given the name Leanne. A male with a mole that does need to be looked at – it’s on his back. There is a fierce dog around, he needs to be controlled better / a stronger yard or he will hurt someone. And I am being told that ‘justice will be served’ – whoever has to go to court against someone will win through the justice system. Shelly Auger L – I am being told that something that is happening around you (or about to happen) will be like a ‘parody’ – a comedy of errors kind of thing, this is something that will continue for a couple of months. I am being given the name Brian. And a male hurting the back of their hand – possibly a burn? Kristy Jordan Brodie – I am being given the name Shelby and then Lockie (Lachlan?). Make sure you have your house keys with you, I feel you being locked out of the house by accident. Watch the female with dyed red hair, she is going to spread gossip about you and it needs to be nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand. Surendra Nageshwar – Study for you – or more study, travel will be involved as though you will need to move to do the study. I am also being given the country of Malaysia (no idea why!) A rind on your finger – marriage or it is a ring of significance that has been given to you. And a female with indigestion problems, she needs to eat slower. I do understand that everyone would like a mini reading but to keep things fair for all the mini readings on Facebook are selected randomly as a little thank you for liking my page, when you have liked my page your name is put into an excel spread sheet and the computer program picks the next person, these are done when I have the time to fit them in. I cannot tag you in these readings – you need to check each day or maybe a friend may tag you if they see it. Do realise that they may not make sense RIGHT NOW but could be for a few months or even a year – so just put it somewhere that you can look back on it and that you have free will to do anything you want. If you don’t feel you can wait for your random free reading and would like to have a reading with me, I offer the following readings:- • ½ hour and offer face to face at my rooms in Newcastle, emailed and telephone all $50 • One question mini reading (one topic) and a one tarot card reading for $10 • A 3 tarot card reading or 3 one topic questions for $30 (by email only) • Baby reading $40 • Dream Interpretation $15 All readings can be booked through my website katrina-jane
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 05:45:01 +0000

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