And today’s free mini readings go to …. Seini Teu – - TopicsExpress


And today’s free mini readings go to …. Seini Teu – travel is coming up for you – not just lazing around by the pool though, a bit of adventure in there as well, I am also seeing quite high mountains – maybe a visit to Nepal or Switzerland? I am also being given just one word ‘wax’ and seeing a candle that has melted. I am being given the name Frederick. And an earring – possibly someone losing one that is very dear to them. Skye Baldwin – either you or someone close to you will stand up to those around them and let them know that they are going to be living their life the way that they want to not the way that everyone thinks that they should be. It won’t be easy but the will feel free because of it, even though a friend / family member is going to be very angry about it. I am being given the name Todd. Kristy Mewett – a lot of soul searching has been done or will be done shortly and it will be a real eye opener for this person, they will really change the way that they think and how they deal with everyone around them, much to everyone’s pleasure! I am seeing a little boy covered in mud and loving every minute of it. And the advice to tell you to focus a bit more – or maybe you need glasses! Rebecca McIntosh – 2015 will bring some big changes for you – be prepared because some will feel terrible and may be emotionally a bit difficult to deal with, however as one thing ends it allows for a new one to begin, deal with it all and you will come through the other side with a much clearer vision of where you are heading and what you will be doing – there will be a bit of a kink in the road but nothing that you can’t handle. Jennifer Holmes – There is a person around you – I feel a male that is really tight with their money – I’m getting that they are a tight wad – they are not generous but expect others to be, they just hoard their money, I’m not sure what for. I think the name I am getting is Leroy? I am also getting the word ‘bonus’ so some extra money coming from somewhere though I feel it is a one off not something like a pay rise. I do understand that everyone would like a mini reading but to keep things fair for all the mini readings on Facebook are selected randomly as a little thank you for liking my page, when you have liked my page your name is put into an excel spread sheet and the computer program picks the next person, these are done when I have the time to fit them in. I cannot tag you in these readings – you need to check each day or maybe a friend may tag you if they see it. Do realise that they may not make sense RIGHT NOW but could be for a few months or even a year – so just put it somewhere that you can look back on it and that you have free will to do anything you want. If you don’t feel you can wait for your random free reading and would like to have a reading with me, I offer the following readings:- • ½ hour and offer face to face at my rooms in Newcastle, emailed and telephone all $50 • One question mini reading (one topic) and a one tarot card reading for $10 • A 3 tarot card reading or 3 one topic questions for $30 (by email only) • Baby reading (for the newborn bub in the family) $40 • Dream Interpretation $15 All readings can be booked through my website katrina-jane
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:50:01 +0000

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