And we figured out Hillarys foreign policy handlings were wishful - TopicsExpress


And we figured out Hillarys foreign policy handlings were wishful thinkings. Putin called her a head of state without a head, a couple of years back, and also said that obama is an idiot. Heres another red line, that looks like the stripes on the obama empire flag. --Remember Viet Nam, and the medals Kerry earned there? RVN, our side, faced DRV in the north which was supplied by China and the Soviets. Then Kerry turned in his medals; he went along with his pal Hanoi Jane Fonda. Just as obama said about Hillary, she works for me, Kerry is an echo of the same thing. This is obamas sabre rattling. And, once again, his failure to his oath of office aspective to the Constitution, specific to Crimea. Our Constitution SAYS: the first words of the U.S. Declaration of Independence: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Russia didnt invade Crimea, it was invited. The ad hoc government in Kiev of the mainland of Ukraine said it would hold elections in May. The Crimeans have a referendum now. Not good enough for obama and the EU? What threat, exactly, is the Ukraine or Crimea to the USA, with or without Russia protecting its interests? Russia didnt invade, and it hasnt been blowing things up or killing the public. It hasnt attacked the rebels in Kiev, to return the ousted leader who took exile in Russia. It hasnt even gone after the neo-Nazi and other despots in the mainland of Ukraine. A comparison can be made about Egypt, the millions of ordinary people betrayed by its leadership, took to the streets, and, backed up by the military (thats not a coup), kicked out the MB. In the Crimea, once again, which side is obama on? Not the people majority! Do we wonder about the people of the USA? One thing about Soviet Russia, it did not lose the cold war, the Soviet went bankrupt. Sound familiar in the USA yet? And, Russia does not back down. Even when Reagon said in Germany, tear down that wall, it was an Amen to what the Soviet had decided anyways. Its swan song was Afghanistan, it wasnt worth the fighting for. It left. The USA and EU is sticking pins in a voo doo doll about Ukraine. Think also about when the Soviets were arming nukes in Cuba, that was too close to the USA, so, JFK stood against the Soviet. For the first time since WW2, the planet faced an all out nuclear war. That possibility arose about Syria recently too, didnt it? What is a difference now about Russia about Ukraine, especially Crimea, from the Cuban missle crisis? Is it a matter of not trusting open elections in the entire Ukraine in May? Keep in mind the communists in Russia who voted against Putin were only 17%. Very open election. The Ukrainian rebels that took over Kiev should be more careful what they wish for, in terms of uniting with the EU. The EU is in economic shambles, and politically a zoo. But May elections, that is Ukraine choice. The USA is by no means rich anymore, eithor. IT was reported some of the Ukrainian Army and Navy surrended to Russia in the Crimea. Look, when those military factions ran with open arms to the Cossacks they were delighted; thats not surrendering. No reason to disarm them, eithor. Before rocketing off at czar Putin formerly of the KGB, try to catch the part the Duma supports his position, and that if they didnt theres no more gulag to send them to die at. Someone might remind the west that Russia of today is not the Russia of yesterday. ON the flip side the Iran of today is not the Iran of pre-1979, friendly to the west, is it? The list goes on and on. The roles of the former USSR, and the USA today, are reversed. What vested interest does the USA have with the Ukraine and Crimea? Russia has pipelines and ports and an immediate border with Ukraine. The west, the freeworld, isnt as free as it was, is it? Heres the false flag: USA and EU blame the Russians protecting their vested interests and contracts in Ukraine, and the peaceful pro-Russians of Crimea and scattered in the west of the mainland, -- in order to create worry in other nations, and ramp up war. Finally an excuse. Roll in western military forces to make people even more nervous. Hows USA and EU, the G-7 diplomacy working out, huh? Theres 140 other nations of the world. What does all this tell them? Its embarassing. Its pathetic.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 08:31:13 +0000

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