Andrew Tahmooressi FINALLY Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greta on FOX - TopicsExpress


Andrew Tahmooressi FINALLY Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greta on FOX NEWS - directed the majority of her show Monday night to the release and arrival of Andrew…..She also expressed her outrage with Mexico on this whole ordeal asking….. If Mexico knew that this Marine had PSTD why keep him imprisoned for 214 days? Others (her guests) expressed gratitude to WE THE PEOPLE who were so engaged he Andrew’s release and their disgust that this Administration (Epic Failure Obama) did absolutely nothing to assist Andrew. My thoughts - WELCOME HOME ANDREW TAHMOORESSI - thrilled and grateful you are home. As for Mexico - this whole ordeal shows just how corrupt and UN American the Country is - they are NOT the friends of the United States of America - and we will not forget. As for Obama - just what is it EXACTLY posses a Commander and Chief to trade Taliban for a Deserter but do absolutely nothing for a Brave Two Tour Marine? Disgusting and Despicable Ruthie foxnews/us/2014/11/01/mexican-judge-orders-jailed-marine-andrew-tahmooressi-freed-family-spokesman/
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 01:10:01 +0000

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