Andrew Walter Collins Sr. Born March 5,1927 Died July12,2014 - TopicsExpress


Andrew Walter Collins Sr. Born March 5,1927 Died July12,2014 6:05p.m. with wife Betty E. Collins, daughter Ann C.Swords,and son Andrew Walter Collins Jr. present Yes we were there and knew dad was failling fast and we had discussed what we should do!! I had just finished makeing a few calls rounded the corner from living room into siting area of Dad and Bettys bedroom Betty told me he had just opened his eyes,I looked at dad in recliner we had moved in to elevate him and make him comfortable,his chest swoll up and back down.It was his last breath,I walked over and placed one hand under his nostrils,the other on his neck searching for breath and pulse there was none! I looked at the clock it was 6:05p.m.,I nodded at Betty sitting across from her husband and our Dad and told her he was gone,ran to Ann in next room to let her know! We all had our time with Dad before and after! His loving wife Betty never left his side even after he was gone! We made the 911 calls and once police and coroner and Emts of Social Cicles finest got there we stayed with Dad! Now I am at home writting for some closer to let you know That our prayers have been answered Dad suffered not on his last day of fight on this earth,and is resting with our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven! WW2 veteran Father of 4 ,Grandfather of 12,and Great Grandfather of 17 and 1 more to be born this month! Hero yes mine,friend yes mine,mentor yes mine,guide yes mine,counselor yes mine,disciplinary yes mine,spritual advisor yes mine,And such a loving father yes mine!!! Thank you Father in heaven for this gift you have given us,me,in my earthly Dad,and thank you for not letting him suffer on his last day he rested so well yesterday for his journey to you Lord. P.s. the American flags at Andrew Sr. and Andrew Jr. are at half mast to honor my father until his buriel!! Oh and while police were there one asked to Salute my Dad for his service to our country. The Policeman had served in the Army and had been on buriel details. I stood at the doorway as this officer solemnly saluted my father in military fashion pivoted shook my hand pivoted and returned and touched my fathers feet I dont know his name and I dont know if anybody else saw it but it made me proud,that he did my Dad proud! well I guess thats about it. Except God Our Father in heaven we ask for your strenght and guidance be With Betty,us kids,family and friends as we find closer to the Life and Times of Andrew Walter Collins Sr. my hero,my Dad in thy name we pray A-Men!!!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 05:53:41 +0000

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