Android Lollipop new features updated in many devices #Android50 - TopicsExpress


Android Lollipop new features updated in many devices #Android50 Android has been updated in most of the devices with their new version of Android Lollipop. By the end of the year, it will be updated in the rest of Android devices which were mentioned in the Android Lollipop lists. With the new HTC and Sony handsets, these are the devices that had been tested with the new Android treatment first. After that Nexus 4, Nexus 5 including Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 tablets gets benefited with all these new Android features. Now is the turn of Motorola devices. So what new the Android users are getting from their new update? Well if we talk about then there is actually a lot. You can run down and can check for one of the biggest revamps of the Android since it has launched first. Dubbed Material with a complete New Look The very first thing that you will notice about Android 5.0 is that it will look a bit different from the present 4.4 Android but it is not as it was expected with the experimental experience UI used in the Nexus 5. Google is coming up with the new interface look which is called as Material. It is a lot more dynamic than present Android and it is also providing much more use of the interface layers. This is actually opposite to the recent trends in UI design, which is all been about making your interfaces flat and very simple as it could be. Material can get simple but it cannot be flat. After being a part of this new interface, Google is also introducing two new widgets. The first one is believed to be very power efficient recycler View widget and this will also provide you with the features like scrolling down easily through your contacts easily. The second thing introduced is new Card view widget that will give you a new Google inspired feel which make these widgets to run smoother. Real-Time Shadows This is not similar the way your interface is just leading out. Android 5.0 is introducing real time shadows for all the interfacing elements. This will be a real help to you in sprucing up the looks of your Android and this will also give you some visual tactility of another platform of iOS7. We have found various attempts where these kinds of looks get into the third party custom interfaces but then they do not find it correct. Navigation soft keys get redesigned The look and feel of the navigation buttons are always considered as the major part of Android but these have been changed this time. Although their function will remain same, the only change is with their looks. Dynamic head up notification One more thing that Android is offering you is keeping your head up notifications with some third party Android interfaces. These pop ups will keep lying on top of whatever you are doing in your current screen. This means that you do not have to close the app that you are working on and the new one will open up. You do not have to worry about when your phone beeps the next time. High consistency towards phones, tablets and PCs Google wants to show that the material look is very consistent between the laptops, phones, tablets, desktops, etc. It is going to offer you that smooth cross platform feel that anyone would enjoy when they buy the Apple phones, Mac book or iPad. It is very obvious that while we talk about PCs, Google is going to access it with the Chrome interface. It cannot risk with its Microsoft Windows. Notifications will expand This is something that Google has also introduced into its recent Android updates and now the users will be able to view all their notifications in more detailed way. You will find text, images, inbox and all of these will provide you with some additional context for the notifications. The basic idea behind this is to evolve the core features from Android which is more useful and wil deliver you the information when you actually need it in reality. Get notifications for New lock Screen Notifications are the real spot on the screen especially the locked screen. This is something which is very common with time in many of the customized Android interfaces. Each notification will show you a small bar across the screens in a very high contrast fashion thus making them very clear. It looks like as if you will get the four different notifications that can be seen on the lock screen at once on a phone with a normal size. Gmail has been redesigned Not only the Android apps but Google apps are also getting refreshed with the new update. You will see various changes in colours introduced into Gmail. The look of the particular app will be lot more clean and will be much modern than before. The avatar images that used to appear in squares will now be seen in circular ones. It seems to be very good that you will be able to control over the apps that will send you these pop up notifications. Otherwise your application will become a real annoying one. 3D Multitasking A little more change with the new update Android 5.0 L is the introduction of its new multitasking menu. It will still show your recent apps but rather it will get displayed as a 2D scroll of applications but now you can see this as a 3D cascade of apps tiles. This looks very much similar to the screen tabs of the Chrome browser for Android. There is nothing new with this. The looks of the Android will take it much better, though it is simpler, sharper and gives a good use of those that are new to the world of real time shadows. CPU Support - 64-bit One of the new features that we know is that it will support 64 bit CPUs. As CPUs that are designed for 64 bits are designed very clearly making it worthwhile for Android devices. Android Auto This is much similar to Apple’s Car Play which is an in car system that will run off your Android phone. This is a major new change with the Android 5.0 L is their Android Auto. Android TV While Android TV is not a core part of your Android system, this Android TV is a very big development in this Android Universe. This is an Android version of the platform that has been designed for your TV and this is eventually being built to set the set top boxes and TVs. Enhanced GPU support Google has improved its coding for Android execution of graphics and is allowing various advanced visuals to it. It has been dubbed into an extension pack and will finally make top-end processors that will start making a better and useful sense. Get direct links to apps from Google searches Developers are now able to have their links to their applications which takes the place of their websites in the web searches. What this means is that you will be able to head to the specific part of an application right from the Chrome browser on your phone. This particular feature is accessible to handful of applications to date but this will be available to all the developers. If you are worried of being launched from the Chrome into its some dodgy apps then please don’t be. Just like the lesser sites you do not tend to feature too highly in your search results. It is supporting ART Runtime Android 5.0 L switches over to the ART runtime. If you have read all the android tips and tricks article then you will find out that this is something that people who are having recent Android phones will be able to try out for themselves. Smart watch will be used as an authentication One of the best additions that Android 5.0 L is offering is the new way for bringing your phone out from the standby securely. Wear watches from android will work as the authentication tools which mean that you do not need a password for unlocking your phone if you are already wearing your watch. We are not sure what technology is being used for all this. But this is for sure that it is neat and clean. Optimized for Battery efficiency Android 5.0 L is introducing some new battery features that include reworking of the battery saver mode. Android that falls well behind the competition into this respect where the smart phones like Galaxy S5 have their extreme powers for saving the battery is a rudimentary. USB Audio Support One of the new features that Android 5.0 L is making is its USB audio. This means that you will be able to transmit the digital audio from the micro USB port, bypassing the DAC stage which you have used you can use your headphone jack to listen to those. Bluetooth 4.1 support Android 5.0 L is offering native support for Bluetooth 4.1. Its top end has Bluetooth 4.0 these days but what is the difference among the two? Bluetooth 4.1 does not clash with the 4G signals like your Bluetooth 4.0. This has also given manufacturers much more control over their time out connection. Read more: mytechlogy/IT-blogs/5732/android-lollipop-new-features-updated-in-many-devices/
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:39:26 +0000

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