AndyErupts – So in your own words can you tell me a bit about - TopicsExpress


AndyErupts – So in your own words can you tell me a bit about The Zombie King? Edward Furlong – I play Samuel Peters, The Zombie King. I’m basically pretty pissed off about my wife dying so I get some evil shit out of the Book of the Dead, bring a bunch of zombies back and I get to ride around on a motorcycle. AE – Are you enjoying that? EF – I haven’t driven it yet. I literally just got in last night from LA, so I’m exhausted. AE – I had planned on asking how you were enjoying the UK so far but you wont have had much chance to enjoy it. EF – No. I was actually here a couple of weeks ago for Comic-Con but its been pretty much sleeping and working today. I’d like to get out and do some stuff but we are way out in the country. Not much to do out here. AE – What was it that drew you to the script? EF – I liked the humour. I like being able to just shoot something real quick and you know, get out. (laughs) I love horror movies. And Corey Feldman is in it. Thats pretty exciting. AE – You mentioned that you love horror films. Whats your favourite horror film and why? Wow. That’s a good question. Well you gotta love The Shining. Texas Chainsaw Massacre too. I don’t know. AE - You have done some work within the genre in the past, such as Pet Sematary 2, Night Of The Demons and Brainscan. Which of these was your favourite to work on? Oh God. I loved working on Night Of The Demons. That was fun, plus it was in New Orleans, so I had a good time there. AE – You had a recurring role as Shane Casey on CSI:NY and that was a pretty nasty character. Did you enjoy doing that? EF – I did actually, yeah. It was the first TV that I did and it’s a totally different experience to doing film. It was cool. It was a character that was able to develop as we did more and more episodes and I never really knew exactly where it was going or what the writers had planned but it was really fun to do. I was kinda sad i had to die off but i guess you can only escape so many times, huh? AE – I want to just briefly mention Terminator. What are your thoughts on the direction that the franchise has taken? EF – Ah God, man. I might sound like a prick but I dont even really pay attention to them now… Well, I mean Im not in them. (All laugh) I didn’t really watch them. I have seen bits and parts of them on TV and stuff and they’re all right from what Ive seen. (Andy shakes his head) Oh theyre horrible? (Laughs) I don’t know but I kind of think that if you take away Jim Cameron and Linda Hamilton and now, even Arnold away, and it’s not really Terminator anymore. AE – What are your plans for the future? EF – I have no idea. I have another couple of films coming out, one called For The Love Of Money, so just keep your eyes open. AE - So, this is a zombie film, and I’m a massive zombie movie fan. If there was a zombie apocalyspe, where would you head to and why? EF – (Laughs) Honestly, I remember the very beginning of Shaun Of The Dead and it’s one of my favourite zombie scenarios ever. It probably wouldnt be that much different to that. AE – So you’d just stay in the house and have a cup of tea? EF – Yeah. I live in downtown LA and theres a lot of homeless people that look like zombies. (laughs) AE – Its quite similar in Glasgow… EF – (Laughs) It probably wouldnt even register immediately. It would take a while to set in. AE – Thanks for talking to us, Edward, and all the best for the film. EF – No problem. My pleasure, man.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 09:55:25 +0000

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