AnglaisFrançaisArabe Ali Benadada The trap! Palestine / - TopicsExpress


AnglaisFrançaisArabe Ali Benadada The trap! Palestine / Israel: To resume peace talks Kerry has torn forceps Palestinians and Israelis agree to a resumption of talks on the peace process. Discussions pending for about three years, shunned by the Palestinian side due to continued construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied territories. West Bank and Jerusalem in particular. A deal that has not changed. Settlements continue to grow like mushrooms, the Judaization of Jerusalem did not brake, the Israelis do not want to know anything about a binational state, much less discussion on the basis of the 1967 borders. Worse! We never heard an Israeli official big (and small) class discuss the two-state solution. And when it comes to Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state, it is utopian from the Israeli point of view. Not to mention the side of Tel Aviv, there has been a final cross on the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees. For Avigdor Lieberman, former head of Israeli diplomacy, the most important is that "negotiations are based on a realistic basis, not on illusions." Partner Netanyahu pushes his realism to assert that "There is no solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict" and add not to cut short the illusion, "at least not in the next year ". Palestinian side, nobody believes and skepticism is in all Palestinian parties. Starting with the presidency of the Ramallah authority who accepted the agreement for talks with caution and reserve, demanding the settlement of several "specific details". The lack of confidence and fear of failure on another "Oslo 93" are present in other Palestinian parties, that these discussions torn by Kerry, without a clear reference to previous border to the Zionist occupation in 1967 and without a total settlement freeze, would be a waste of time and would be a beautiful cover for the Israeli side. Already in Oslo, it should not be signed before a total settlement freeze. Consequence of this "negligence", the number of settlers has quadrupled from 150,000 to 600,000. Abbas and Saeb Erikat wants to send to Washington, Netanyahu do without the action to suspend settlement construction in the West Bank or, still less in Jerusalem. So why negotiate, as the chances of reaching a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israelis utopian? Still, Kerry has, by his perseverance, (six trips to the region in six months), the actors managed to pull their agreement to return to the negotiating table. But the head of the State Department can he pull their other concessions for the coronation of his mission? Even! Especially on the Palestinian side, the ultimate concession that they have not yet granted, is finally abandoning the idea of a Palestinian state with its capital Jerusalem. Kerry could he do falter Israelis on the issue of the right of return of Palestinian refugees? Not. What influence will he have on Tel Aviv for a settlement freeze? No. Knowing that even Obama speaks more and even less to refer to pre-1967 borders. Just if Netanyahu has promised to release some 80 Palestinian prisoners, and again! These will be emancipated by the waves and the first quota will find freedom once revived discussions. So Netanyahu would have agreed to resume negotiations as to look good for Americans and other Europeans, especially when they come to punish the Jewish state on its settlements policy excluding occupied territories agreements with Brussels Tel Aviv. Bibi has resigned to go with the negotiations for the sole purpose of showing "good faith" and "good will" and to blame the likely failure to come to the Palestinians. The latter, by agreeing to go to Washington without any notable guarantee on their conditions for resuming the talks, he does not go straight into the wall? Abbas plays double or quits in the next negotiations. And rather more than two leaves. In accepting the initiative of John Kerry without preconditions. And in particular without stopping the construction of new settlements as required by far the President of the Palestinian Authority and a big risk seems right to political suicide. Which may be serious consequences for the Palestinian question. 23/07/2013
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:37:47 +0000

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