Ann Coulters column on interest in soccer being a sign of the - TopicsExpress


Ann Coulters column on interest in soccer being a sign of the nations moral decay is easily the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. We have a great opportunity to be proud of something good about our country; taking such a low shot at soccer and at those who love and play the sport here in America at a time that the USA is doing so well on the international stage is despicable and extremely disrespectful, especially to those who are currently representing the USA on the USMNT. And you know what Ann? Im American, I know how to speak English, my great-grandfather was born in here in America just as HIS great-grandfathers were, and I watch soccer. Maybe you dont like the sport; thats perfectly fine. You dont have to watch a single game yourself (and it very well seems like you havent, judging by your gross misunderstanding of how soccer works), but dont go around implying that Im any less American because I do. And for the record, the metric system rocks. awfulannouncing/2014/ann-coulters-column-about-soccer-is-the-worst-thing-ever-written.html
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 05:10:23 +0000

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