Ann Romney, was on Piers Morgan, last night, and I swear, I sure - TopicsExpress


Ann Romney, was on Piers Morgan, last night, and I swear, I sure do wish Id never heard of Michelle Obama, and her husband, now. I also, really feel, that Romney is the best choice of Rs to run again, a 3rd time, and win the whole shooting match, because unlike all of the others, he is a moderate, not a conservative, or liberal, which is EXACTLY what the country needed a year ago, and moreso, now. She says he will not run again, because Its time to pass the baton, but I think as time gets closer, in a couple of years, Romney could easily throw his hat back in, and win, with a landslide. The Republicans will own the entire government, for at least the next 2 decades, after the debacle of Obamas presidency. I was fooled, and voted for him the first time, then after a year, of his first term, I KNEW we had made a serious mistake throwing McCain under the train, for picking Palin, and being too nice, to go for the jugular, with Obama. I am sure, if he had, it would definitely have gone the other way. I mean, look at the odds of a half black man getting into the White House, with literally no government experience, and no business experience. He was basically a teacher and a community organizer, translate, ass kisser. He never did a damn thing that qualified him to be president, except that he was a rock star, and the media and the public bought his bullshit, hook line and sinker. Now, that ill all over. I maintain, Obama will be gone, hopefully by Thanksgiving. There are 3 possibilities, resignation, impeachment, or assassination, thats it. He will never serve his second term, too many people, unions, big businesses, and colleagues in the federal government, who he dragged down with his Titanic Administration, and they dont want to keep gulping water. So, in order to prevent career suicide, drowning without liferaft, most Dems now have abandoned, Obama. Did you ever see the day the you thought the man who gave the Obama campaign, a year and a half ago, a MILLION$$ of his own money, Bill Maher, would say Obama stunk in the debates, and Obamacare is the worst piece of shit law, ever. Maher, even thinks, Ted Cruz, another Harvard Liar, has a really good chance in 2 and a half years. Of course, I totally disagree, Cruz is too extreme to win, and a loudmouth, sure hes popular, but hes about as experienced in governing as Obama was, and stupid voters are not THAT stupid. The country will NOT elect Cruz, because hes a Mexican Canadian Latino, Republican, Obama. My guess is Chris Christie, will run, and win, if Romney stays out. McCain could run again, too, dont forget, and this time, he would beat either Christie and Romney to a pulp. The idiotic voters who put Obama in again, will now rather vote for an iguana, than a liberal Democrat, next time. Their well being, and financial futures, have been so thoroughly demolished by 5 yrs of this pathetic, socialist administration,,,actually, it is socialist, verging on Communist, but closer to Marxist. I also think Obama should look inside, and examine his conscious, and then, ask Mitt Romney to finish the 3 more years in his term. Its the ONLY right thing to do, and it would be highly acceptable by almost all American people. Even the Congress. Now. And, if he did appoint Romney to his job, Biden would be gone by a few days later, and John Mr. Tan Bonehead, wouldnt ever be president, so who for VP? How about Chris Christie, thats my prediction. If none of these predictions comes true, which I very seriously doubt, and Obama serves 3 more years, he WILL go down in history as Americas WORST PRESIDENT EVER, much worse than the previous record holder, his immediate predecessor, W. So, long story short, If Obama goes, which he will, and even if Biden takes over, I predict he wont last a month, then Boehner will be president, for a few years, but like Gerald Ford, he will NEVER be elected. You know, I was thinking just today, ALL the Presidents Men, was forty years ago. It is my 27 yr old sons favorite movie, ever, which, considering, it was made 13 years before he was born, is astonishing. And, he hates politics, and knows nothing about whats going on in the country. Hes got a good job, and a good life, and hes young, so I get that. Ron Paul, could run again, for the fourth or fifth time, and he could actually WIN. And, he would definitely beat Hillary or any other Democrat, in 3 years. As far as Rubio, Rand Paul, et al, naw, not gonna happen, folks. Rubio has a shot at VP, but now that she has an education, which she didnt have in 2008, Sarah Palin has a shot. In fact, the coup de grace, would be her running for president, and if she got the nomination, which she would, it would be Sarah v Hillary, and Sarah would win in a landslide. Remember in 08, when McCain voters went for Obama, because Palin, came off as such a moron, well she isnt a moron, she was just literally thrown to the wolves, and with her kooky sounding corny voice, her looks, and her lifestyle, including reality tv shows, and a part time, one term gov, of AK, the least populous state, she looks weak, but, she is MUCH MORE QUALIFIED than Obama was. How you like them apples, Yall? Please comment, start a discussion, I would love to learn from you, not just hear myself speak. I know my opinions, and their basis in reality, but what do you think? Especially considering what is happening with the media, bashing Obama, universally, on a dime? They went from bowing and kissing his feet, to circling sharks, surrounding him in an ocean of human blood, leaching from his self-inflicted, hemorrhoids. Thanks for reading, Karl
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:54:47 +0000

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