Annoyed? I Like Long Walks, Especially When They Are Taken By - TopicsExpress


Annoyed? I Like Long Walks, Especially When They Are Taken By People Who Annoy Me. I beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each others faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. Ephesians 4:1-3 Youre sitting at your desk, attempting to get work done. But every few seconds, theres an annoying beeping sound coming from your computer. The more it beeps, the more frustrated you become. You soon reach the point where you simply cannot get any work done because of the beeping. Then you find out that every time the computer beeps, you get paid $50. Suddenly it is not nearly so annoying. In fact, it becomes soothing, encouraging you as you do your work. Whenever theres a long pause between beeps, you grow a bit concerned. You look for ways to make it beep more. Were all annoyed by certain things. But where is the annoyance really created? In the thing itself or in the way we look at it? What annoys you? What if you could find a way to make it pay? Would it still be annoying? Often were reluctant to go after our dreams because in the process well need to put up with some annoyances. Rejection can be annoying. Wearing a suit and tie can be annoying. Fighting traffic to get to an appointment can be annoying. Bookkeeping can be annoying. Reading Selah Everyday can be annoying. Yet those who are successful often must experience all those annoyances, and more. What annoying things do you avoid, that could be stepping stones to success? When you can bring yourself to put up with the annoyances and inconveniences that are necessary for achievement, the rewards can indeed be great. Father in heaven; forgive me because too often my first response is to be annoyed at seeming annoying things, annoying situations and especially annoying people. I dont have pet peeves like some people. I have whole kennels of irritation. Set me free to see the other side of the situation. I am sure now that I think about it, my being annoyed sometimes must really annoy the people in my life. HELP me LORD! In Jesus name. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:10:53 +0000

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