Anonymous Wrote: The Rover is not scheduled for The Stockholm - TopicsExpress


Anonymous Wrote: The Rover is not scheduled for The Stockholm Film Festival, which it could have been a great cover up to say that she was talking about a movie there (she wrote the tweet AFTER the backlash). A24 posted a contest where you could get a poster if you saw the movie online (check theroverfilm website on June 11). I have no idea who she wrote about, but it is just as ridiculous to say that it could be about Kristen as about Rob. It has probably nothing to w any of them. katy677 and gypsyjae Responded: I don’t see why you even care really. A24 did not post a contest where you can get a poster if you saw the movie on line. A fan site entitled Fangirlish ran a contest where the prize was two posters that were signed by everyone in the cast. If this is what you are talking about, it is kind of lame. All fan sites run their piddly little contests at some point to get clicks on their websites. The only other contests that come up when you Google it are completely non affiliated entities that are running their own contests around the movie, one was a Cinema Complex that bought 20 tickets for The Rover and was running their own contest and giving the tickets to the winners just to get people to patronize their theaters, another was a Men’s Health Magazine that was running a contest and the grand prize was an all expense paid trip to Australia. Each of these contests were no purchase necessary and none of them were run by The Rover Film or A24. If this is what you are referring to regarding “winning posters” you did not see it on The Rover film’s official website, nor their fan website or A24’s website, twitter or facebook pages. I did look. Are you aware that there are two The Rover Film websites? One that is run by fans and the other is the official site. Neither of them posted a contest that I could find. So please give me a specific link to what you are referring to. I stopped looking after the first three websites I saw. You actually presume that I was not aware of the tweets and their succession and no, she only mentioned that movie from 2002 after she started getting the backlash, I was not exactly born yesterday. News gets around fast and there are just way too many people that screen capped her tweets (before she took them down) to not know the succession of same. And no, it is not ridiculous to say that it could be about Kristen’s film since her film is the only film being shown at The Stockholm Film Festival. On another note, that you obviously seemed to overlook completely while you salivated over the fact that she was referring to The Rover, is that she mentioned the date of August 2014, which is the time frame at The Stockholm Film Festival dedicated to female directors of movies, short stories, documentaries, etc. It is specifically held in August. On that note, Camp X Ray is being screened in November and The Rover NOT AT ALL. The fact that she mentioned August 2014 is a cover up in and of itself when you consider that, as I pointed out before, Camp X Ray’s distributors were the only people running a free screening for her movie and all that implies. Lastly, why do you even care enough to continue bothering someone who obviously is not a fan of Kristen Stewart with your insistence that it could not possibly be her film this girl was talking about? I don’t care. I don’t know the girl, her opinion means nothing to me or anyone else that I know. It only seems to bother Robstens, Krisbians or just basic KS fans and insecure Robert Pattinson fans that are caught up in the constant antagonistic bullshit between the battle of who is the better fan, hers or his or who is the better actor, there just is no contest there. As I am not in any of those categories, I can honestly tell you that even if she was referring to The Rover, which I sincerely doubt, it still would not matter to me because it is her opinion and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. So let it go already. It is already old news and tiresome to say the least.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 08:49:29 +0000

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