Another 14 random facts about me. Enjoy. 1. My beautiful - TopicsExpress


Another 14 random facts about me. Enjoy. 1. My beautiful sister Renau gave me the number 14 because thats how old she was when I came barreling into her life. :D 2. I dont have a favorite color, but I love blue, green, red and purple. Each wall of my bedroom is a different color, and its each of those 4 colors. I regret nothing. 3. My favorite food is sushi. I adore it. 4. I have a scar on my forehead from where I busted my head open on a sewer mane when I was 3 years old. Ive always liked to live dangerously. 5. I stopped up the sewage system on our entire street when I was little by flushing every washcloth in the house down the toilet. Ive also always liked to live mischievously. 6. My first ever role-playing game was Paper Mario. I still have the whole game memorized and play through it occasionally for nostalgia purposes. 7. I am completely in love with Milla Jovovich and Jennifer Lawrence. I know everybody else is in love with J-Law, too, but I am more so than anyone else. I also fancy Kate Beckinsale. And many of the actresses in Buffy. 8. My two favorite anime are Neon Genesis Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop. That whole era of anime was kind of the high point of the genre, in my opinion. 9. I aspire one day to be a professor. Of what, I do not yet know, but I know I wish to be one. I really love Japanese, and I really love Political Science, so people tend to suggest that I go for something to do with Japanese Politics, but I find Japanese politics boring, so I dunno. 10. I have never dyed my hair, but if I do, I want to dye it a crazy color like lime green or electric blue. Because rebellious college student. 11. I really like to write. I havent written anything in a long time because of lack of time and inspiration. Ive been feeling inspired lately, though. I may have some stuff in me yet. 12. The biggest thing I cant stand in a person is lying. If someone lies a lot, I cant trust them, and if I cant trust them, I cant like them. I also get annoyed by snobbery. 13. My favorite Zelda game is Ocarina of Time, but I have to say, I think Majoras Mask has a lot more artistic merit. More symbolism, more interpretations, overall more maturity. 14. I still have yet to see Blade Runner. I do own it, though, so I will eventually see it.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:08:51 +0000

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