Another DragonCon has come and gone - they seem to go by faster - TopicsExpress


Another DragonCon has come and gone - they seem to go by faster and faster every year. Mine was pretty awesome yet again this year! There were a couple of things I missed out on, and then other things that happened that went beyond my expectations. Such is con life! One day I need to gain a super power in which I can slow down time so I can do all the things I want to do and still have time to eat and sleep. My convention highlights: 1. Friends, friends, friends! This was my first DragonCon getting to room with my bestie and dragon sis Jennifer Targaryan Sparks. We only met just last year, yet it seems we were destined to be lifelong friends. I also got to hang out with one of my favorite people from filming a movie I think Im still not allowed to publicly say the name of, Alyssa Pollock! And along the way I spent time with Sarah Jacqueline Goldberg, Sergio Nino III, and David Tatum. All people I dont get to see enough of and who I always have a blast with at DC. 2. Falling Skies finale viewing party with one of the actors themselves, Colin Cunningham! Earlier on Sunday, I was wandering around the Walk of Fame and saw that Colin only had two people at his table. I decided it wouldnt be too rude to go chat with him even though I had no cash on me for an autograph. Im so glad I took that chance because I ended up getting invited to his hotel room to watch the Falling Skies finale with other fans he had also invited. He is by far the nicest and coolest actor I have ever met. He was full of hugs, kisses (on cheeks!), was willing to take plenty of pics for free, and was truly grateful to be able to share the finale with all of us obsessed fans. It was awesome getting to hear his stories about the otehr cast members and get the first hand take on what the filming was like. Im not sure anything in the realm of realism could top this experience. 3. DragonCon Parade! It always makes me feel pretty special to march in the parade and have all those people looking at me, waving at me, and taking my picture. For an hour, I get to feel like I am actually a famous person people have come to see. It was especially wonderful marching in such a well known fandom this year. I dont think most people had a clue who Ruby was last year, but everybody knows the mother of dragons. Loved hearing people scream KHALEESI at me (and the 50 other Daenerys cosplayers, lol). 4. Meeting Tricia Helfer! It was my goal to meet Tricia at DragonCon while wearing my Six costume (that is the character she played on Battlestar Galactica) and I actually accomplished that mission. She is so tall and beautiful in person, I was in awe. She told me right away that she loved my cosplay of Six. She praised me quite a bit for it! I was on cloud nine. My picture with her actually came out pretty cute -- my best attempt at a Froggys photo yet. Im still trying to perfect my facial angle and level of smilage so I look half as good as the beautiful actress Im standing next to and not like a crazed super fan on meth. While I tried not to look like a crazy fan in my picture, I did frolic away with glee after meeting her at long last. Hehe! 5. The Sunday Battlestar Galactica panel. One of the best panels I have ever been to! Mary McDonnell came out in the actual costume she wore as Madame President on the show, which made all of us geek out big time. This was a panel actually full of fabulous thought provoking questions that led to emotional stories from the actors and lots of great answers. Three times I nearly cried! Mary talked about her death scene, and I just couldnt even. Then Kate Vernon was crying when she talked about how Edward James Olmos welcomed her to set, and Tricia also had a great story about how emotional she got during one of her scenes and how Michael Hogan was there to tell the director he needed to shoot her and not someone else in that moment. Everything about this panel was perfect! The hour and a half wait in line was SO WORTH IT! 6. Other Froggys photos and Walk of Fame shenanigans. I did another picture with Drew Roy and Scarlett Byrne from Falling Skies, and since apparently no one at DragonCon cares about the show, I got to stand around at Froggys Photos and chat with Drew, Scarlett, Mpho, and Colin. Usually pictures there are so super rushed that you only get to say hi, pose and smile real fast, and then say bye. So it was a nice change to be able to hang around and chat. Mpho told me how much he was enjoying DragonCon, and Drew and I talked about Battlestar Galactica since I did my photoshoot with him dressed as Six as well. In the Walk of Fame, I chatted with Kate Vernon and she told me that I should cosplay as Ellen Tigh next year. Haha. Then I visited Michael Hogans booth really fast and he gave me a big hug before he left for the day. 7. DragonCon night at the aquarium. My first time attending this and also my fist time at the aquarium. It was a fun atmosphere, just wish that Jennifer and I had come with a better camera than my iphone. We tried to take awesome pics, but they just didnt turn out like a professionals would. It was still fun to look at all the sea creatures and go through the tube and pet starfish and sea urchins. The only true downsides of DragonCon for me were things that were my own fault. I didnt get to party as much as I wanted to because I wasnt finished with my costume and had to stay up all Friday night finishing Daenerys for the parade. I tell myself every year that I wont be sewing in my hotel room and always fail at keeping that promise. Next year will be different, though! I WILL NOT COME TO DC WITH COSTUMES 1/4 finished. Its a miracle I managed to complete it. I was also sad that I missed out on the special BSG party this year. On the upside, the night of the BSG party was the night of the Falling Skies finale, so it all worked out for the best anyway! Also wish I had managed to get Tricias autograph at the Walk of Fame. I was horrible about remembering to go down there with everything I had going on and she wasnt there the 2 times I peeked in. Most of all, I missed Andrea La-Rosa, whos been my con buddy since I first started coming to DragonCon in 2011 and couldnt come this year. We will tear it up together next year! One last thing -- PICTURES ARE COMING! (whenever I have any time in my too busy life, rawr.)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 04:38:47 +0000

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