Another beheading . Cameron says this must not be seen as a Muslim - TopicsExpress


Another beheading . Cameron says this must not be seen as a Muslim action , the Muslim faith is one of peace and tolerance . Whatever Muslim terrorists do to us we must not react by protests against Muslims living in this country . Well Mr prime minister the Muslims living in this country are the so called British parents of so called British terrorists beheading true British citizens . The rabid ideology these terrorists believe in is spawned in their mosques and homes and then taken to another level . The Muslim community is not innocent of these crimes ,they do nothing to implement the British system of law and order in their childrens minds because they do not believe in our sense of justice . Hence the huge terrorist cells operating in this country , larger than any other country . Why ? Because we have a politically correct government who want us to be a nation of apologists and accept the outcome of their failed political decisions . Have any of you heard of an organization called common purpose ? I suggest everyone who is concerned about the future of Britain do their research . It is an organization bent on belittling the britishness in Britain . It works in a subliminal way in our schools by gently erasing historical fact from our literature and theatre and introducing a more cosmopolitan flavour to our childrens fiction ie : a black Robin Hood , A Black Snow White , Doh!!! A touch of sarcasm there folks . Perhaps to appeal to a broader immigrant public we could inject child rape , the stoning of women and beheading into our childrens fiction ! I CONCLUDE I am not racist but I believe a great amount of immigrants in this country are !!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 19:25:50 +0000

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