Another biography from History of Georgia by S.J. Clarke - TopicsExpress


Another biography from History of Georgia by S.J. Clarke Publishing Co. , 1926 EDWARD BENJAMIN ROGERS: The law has ever attracted to its ranks a class of men gifted with keen perception and logical trend of mind who are especially fitted to deal with the intricate problems which are constantly arising among their fellows. Of this type is Edward Benjamin Rogers, an attorney of high reputation. He has practiced at Gibson for forty-four years and ahs also done notable work along educational lines, likewise taking a leading role in local politics. He was born November 13, 1854, in Jefferson County, Georgia, a son of the Rev. William J. and Laura P. (Ward) Rogers, also natives of this state. The father was a Confederate soldier and served from the beginning until the close of the Civil War. In 1868 he became a minister of the Baptist Church and preached during the balance of his life, accomplishing much toward the spiritual uplift and betterment of mankind. Death terminated his labors in December, 1899, when he was sixty-seven years of age, and the mother passed away in March, 1921, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. Mr. Rogers was a pupil in the common schools of his native county and completed a course in the high school at Stellaville, Georgia. He taught school at Gibson for four years and in January 1877, was made clerk of the superior court. He was twice reelected and filled the position until 1881, when he tendered his resignation. For some time he had been desirous of entering the legal profession, and having mastered the principles of jurisprudence, he was admitted to the bar in August, 1881. He has since practiced I Gibson, successfully handling many of the important cases tried in the courts of this district, and each year has chronicled a marked increase in his clientele. In January, 1877, Mr. Rogers was elected county superintendent of schools and held the office continuously until 1916. After an interval of four years he was recalled to the position and acted I that capacity until January, 1925. Many years of his life were devoted to the upbuilding of the public schools of Glascock county and their high rating is the direct result of his indefatigable efforts and advanced educational standards. Like the majority of Georgians, he is deeply interested in the science of agriculture and has made judicious investments in farm land. On November 6, 187, Mr. Rogers married Miss Eugenia Norris, a daughter of Malachi and Nancy E. (Draper) Norris. They were natives of Georgia and Mr. Rogers traveled lifes pathway together, sharing its joys and sorrows, and their union was severed on November 5, 1924, when the devoted wife and mother passed away after an illness of but four days. They had become the parents of three children: Alma, now the wife of J. W. Whitely, who is engaged in merchandising at Warrenton, Ga.; Annie L., who was united in marriage to the Rev. J. N. Peacock, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Albany, Ga.; and Leonard P., who fought for his country in the World War. He was a promising young man, and died December 21, 1925. Mr. Rogers is a Mason, belonging to the Gibson Lodge, No. 257, F.& A. M. He is a steward of the Methodist church and casts his ballot for the candidates of the democratic party. He has a wide acquaintance in Glascock county and enjoys in the highest degree the respect and confidence of his fellowmen, for his life has been honorable and useful, crowned with worthy achievement. (written 1926. Note: reference to the World War.... this was written prior to World War II, so of course they referred to World War I as just World War.... probably never imagined that there would be another one....sadly, there was....)
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:01:20 +0000

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