Another day, another party line GOP attack on American women. - TopicsExpress


Another day, another party line GOP attack on American women. Today Senate Republicans filibustered the Paycheck Fairness Act which would create more transparency about who gets paid what in the workplace and allow the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to collect data from employers based on gender and race. Obviously we cant have that. So the old white men and their three token female collaborators -- Susan Collins, Kelly Ayotte and Lisa Mukowski -- blocked the passage of the bill for the third time. I single out the Republican women for special scorn because theres a special place in hell for women who betray their own. This isnt identity politics; just common decency. Republicans pay lip service to the idea of equal pay for equal work and then they turn around and vote against any measure that might actually bring it about. Thats when they dont come straight out and explain how there can be no such thing as equal work since women are inherently inferior. They never learn and they never change. Hopefully todays vote will serve as a reminder to women across America that elections matter and have consequences. And the argument that the parties are equally corrupt so whats the point is showing up to vote is once again proven demonstrably false. Democrats are not perfect by any stretch but they do strive for more equality and justice while the other side never fails to be guided by its reverse moral compass to inflict harm and then add insult to injury by blaming the victims for being so provocatively female, immigrant, poor, LGBT, disabled or otherwise marked for economic marginalization and political irrelevance. Serves you right for not being a rich, white, straight, Christian male like God intended. Now move to the back of the bus or better yet the back of the endless line outside the one polling place reserved for you and your similarly disadvantaged kind. Republicans only care about one kind of checks: the ones they receive from the Adelsons and Kochs of this world for doing their dirty work for them. To their way of thinking the notion of economic justice for all is ludicrous and probably treasonous as well. And they will do whatever it takes to deliver for their paymasters. Including utilizing arcane parliamentary maneuvers to block the will of the American people. Hence todays filibuster and the electoral shenanigans that allow the GOP to control congress in spite of representing deeply unpopular minority views. The only thing that can loosen their death grip on America is a popular revolt in the shape of a wave election. We need to turn out the vote by hammering even the most apathetic among us over the head with the reality that theyre getting robbed blind by the corporate lackeys in the GOP. Its 2014 and were still stuck fighting over equal pay for equal work and a womans right to self-determination and reproductive choice. For crying out loud!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:24:36 +0000

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