Another example of using Tarot to speak with your angels: Im - TopicsExpress


Another example of using Tarot to speak with your angels: Im having one of those days at work, and Im feeling antsy about quitting this silly day job. Ive been told numerous times that that wont happen until spring, but you know how it is – you always want to check in. At first I just asked for some insight to help me feel better. That brought up the Renewal card from Doreen Virtues Angel Tarot (see the first card below). That really did make me feel better (time to move in a new direction. Favorable assessment etc), but there was the sense in the reading of that card that maybe I can move on now, so I wanted to clarify that. I then asked if there were any actual moves I should be making right now. I switched to Doreens Archangel Power Tarot deck and I got the Five of Ariel. That is NOT a good card in most decks – and in this deck it specifically says inadvisable timing for self-employment. In retrospect I suppose that shouldve been obvious, but I went back to her Angel Tarot deck and asked for clarification, and got the Balance card. The message in that specifically states wait for perfect timing. So, if youre still with me on this, you can see that the cards meshed with each other perfectly, and the message was very clear. As Ive mentioned before, Im working on a blog describing how to do this for yourself, and how to interpret the answers, so stay tuned if you are signed up for my newsletter!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:13:07 +0000

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