Another fund raising letter from Jeanne. If she spent as much time - TopicsExpress


Another fund raising letter from Jeanne. If she spent as much time on the people of NH instead of the fund raising we would be better off.. Dear Friends, I’m not going to sugarcoat things – it’s go time in New Hampshire. Scott Brown and his special interest pals are on the attack, so my friend Jeanne Shaheen needs our help now. Brown’s got his whole shtick – the pickup truck, the “I’m an everyman” message. But as anyone who watched his 2012 campaign against Elizabeth Warren knows, he only cares about three things: Big Oil, Big Banks, and – most of all – Scott Brown. He will be the best-funded candidate in New Hampshire history. The Koch brothers and right-wing Super PACs have already spent almost $1.5 million attacking Jeanne this year. The second Brown announced, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads launched a $650,000 attack ad buy. Jeanne needs our help immediately to fight back against the Super PACs. With just 39 hours before the midnight FEC deadline, Jeanne has $153,290 left to raise. I need you to pitch in right now. Donate what you can spare to Jeanne right away – we can’t let Big Oil and the big banks buy Scott Brown another Senate seat. Support Jeanne Shaheen. FEC Deadline: 39 hours. Stop Scott Brown and the Koch brothers from stealing the Senate. Contribute. Now that Brown’s in, the right-wing Super PAC cash that’s already gushing into New Hampshire will double or even triple. In 2012, Brown took $5.5 million from Wall Street and big financial interests alone – more than anyone else running for Congress that year. I shudder to think what they have planned for Jeanne. Let’s not wait to find out. Please contribute now, before the books close on this critical FEC quarter, so that Jeanne has the resources to fight back and help hold our Democratic majority. Donate what you can spare to Jeanne right away – we can’t let our middle-class champion be replaced by special-interest darling Scott Brown. Thanks for standing with Jeanne.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:37:15 +0000

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