Another post on the Hebrews Roots Movement, which can be applied - TopicsExpress


Another post on the Hebrews Roots Movement, which can be applied to all religions who worship in the flesh. For those who are offended, and/or tired of seeing the posts, I am sorry you are offended, but I have to give away what the Lord has given me. I personally do not need it. I am not influenced by the movement, I am offended by it, yet He is speaking to me about it. I can only conclude since it does not apply to me, who is not even in the slightest influenced, that He is giving it to me to give away with a hope that one, or some, who may be influenced will be delivered from the bondage that it brings. I don’t even have time for it. I have an exam to prepare for that I will be taking in a day or so, but do I tell God “sorry I am busy?” The Lord knows I am busy. He knows I have an exam to prepare for, but He is speaking on it anyway, so it must be urgent. The Hebrew people did in fact worship God in the flesh during OT times. There was no alternative. Adam was given spiritual life at creation, and he lost it when he sinned. Spiritual life did not come until Christ was crucified and we could be born again. Abraham was saved, and he was saved by grace through faith (Genesis 15:6) yet he worshipped in the flesh. Abraham was not born again. Saved indeed, but he went to hades. Hades had two areas, one of comfort for the saved, and one of torment for the lost (Matthew 16:19-31). God gave the Hebrew specific and detailed instructions how to worship Him in the flesh, because they were not yet able to worship in spirit, which is the worship God has always desired. John 4:23–24 (NASB95) 23 “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24 “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” This is the worship that God desires, but it was not possible in the OT times. It only became possible after the cross when people could be born again of the Spirit which then enabled spiritual worship. Here are some of the commands and instructions that the Lord gave the Hebrew people, and the proper context. I cannot show them all, but will show enough to make the point clear for any who are willing to accept it. God told the Hebrew people not to use a tool on a stone that they used for an altar (Exodus 20:25) The question is, how does a cut stone defile a man? It doesn’t, Just as food does not defile a man (Matthew 15:17-18) The command to not put a tool on a stone was so the Hebrew people would be above reproach of having the appearance of worshipping just as the pagan idolater’s worshipped. The pagan’s idolaters crafted idols. If the Hebrew people crafted stone they would look just like the pagans idolaters. It would make God appear as if He was just one God of many gods because the Hebrews would have been worshipping just as the idolaters. The Hebrew people were set apart and God is Holy, set apart and the Hebrew worship could not look like the worship of others gods. God instructed the Hebrew people to not eat blood (Leviticus 1:15, Leviticus 6:30, Leviticus 7:26). If you eat meat you are eating blood. There is no possible way to drain 100% of the blood out of meat, yet God permits the eating of meat. This is not for health and sanitary purposes. Yes, it can cause disease to eat blood, but context throughout clearly shows Gods intentions. The Jehovah’s Witnesses make the mistake today of not taking blood transfusions because of the principles. To take a transfusion is to eat blood, but that is not Gods intended meaning. The pagans offered sacrifices to their gods and drank the blood of the sacrifice. God wanted the Hebrew people set apart and not even have a similar appearance to other religions. He wanted them to stay above reproach so it could not even be misconstrued that they worshipped just like the pagans, only a different God. Not only did He say do not eat the blood, but He gave them instructions to pour it out on the altar. If it is publicly poured out there can be no question as to whether it was eaten. Of course this is pointing to Christ Who poured out His blood for us, but the law did have physical meaning of that time. This is one of the many ways Gods word is multifaceted, yet it does not contradict. This would make God look like one of many gods, but the Hebrew people were to be set apart to be a witness to one true God and to do so their worship could not even resemble the pagans. If it were for sanitary reasons God would have said do not eat meat. If you eat meat you are going to eat some blood. God instructed the Hebrew people not to eat swine. Swine was the sacrificial animal for many, most, or maybe all pagan worshippers. If the Hebrew people did not even eat swine there could be no mistake that they had offered swine to God as a sacrifice, which would make Him look like just another of many Gods. God chose a lamb to be the predominate sacrificial animal. There could not be any more contrast with a swine than a lamb. Swine are aggressive and slobs. Lambs are mild, meek and clean. This was to show their God was set apart. To keep a Sabbath as a special day of worship over any other day is an act of the flesh. Hebrew people worshipped in the flesh. They were not born again and unable to worship in spirit. The Sabbath was a day of rest. It was intended to point to Christ who gives us spiritual rest. We who worship Jesus and do not keep the Sabbath are not Sabbath law breakers. We keep the Sabbath 24 hours, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year by finding our spiritual rest in Christ. The danger of the Hebrew Roots Movement, or any other attempt to worship God in the flesh, is it blends you with all other religions, which worship in the flesh. You do not appear to be set apart. You look like all other religions. You have drunk the blood. You have eaten the swine. You have put the tool to the stone. You have made God look like one of many gods, Who can be pleased in the flesh, which is exactly what all other faiths attempt to do. You are not set apart, and your life does not bear witness to the one true God Who can only be worshipped in spirit. The only testimony you have is your claim that He is the one true God, but your worship method does not bear witness. We worship in spirit and truth. That is what sets us apart from the false worship. Jesus defines truth in John 14:6 and it is only through Him that you are able to worship in spirit. That is spirit and truth.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 14:26:59 +0000

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