Answer to controversy Grollier international encyclopedia deluxe - TopicsExpress


Answer to controversy Grollier international encyclopedia deluxe home edition Constantine I, roman emperor page 236 Constantine before 312 , sees to have been a tolerant pagan, willing to accumulate heavenly patrons but not committed to any one deity. Between 312 and 324, however, he GRADUALLY adopted the Christian God as his protector and on several occasions granted special privileges to individual churches and bishops. His alliance with Christianity was strengthened by the political quarrel with licinius. Soon after his victory over licinius at chrysopolis (sept 18, 324), CONSTANTINE OPENLY EMBRACED CHRISTIANITY. The following year, Constantine assembled the bishops in a council at Nicaea. To debate the doctrines of airius , a presbyter of Alexandria in Egypt , who argued that Christ was a created being and therefore not divine. Although , this was not Constantines first attempt to reconcile orthodox and heretical factions in Christianity . It was the first time he used the imperial office to impose a settlement, Following a lengthy and heated debate. The bishops condemned Arianism and adopted a creed ( the nicene creed) that affirmed the divinity of Christ . More important to the pagan majority in the empire, whose beliefs Constantine HAD REJECTED but continued to tolerate,were the secular problem that required new and vigorous solutions. Councils of Constantinople The councils of Constantinople were four ecumenical councils of the Christian church,held between the 4th and the 9th centuries. Constantinople I was called in 381 by Theodosius I. Then roman emperor of the east. PRIMARILY TO CONFRONT ARIANISM, the heresy that had been subdued only temporarily by the first council of NICEA (325AD) More than 150 bishops , all from the eastern empire , met to reaffirm the doctrines of the NICENE CREED, and to depose Maximus, the Arian patriarch of Constantinople . They also condemned APOLLINARIANISM, a position that denied the full humanity of Christ. The council defined the position of the HOLY SPIRIT within the TRNITY. It described the HOLY SPIRIT as proceeding from God the Father,COEQUAL and COSUBSTANTIAL WITH HIM. It also confirmed the position of the PATRIARCH of CONSTANTINOPLE as SECOND IN DIGNITY ONLY TO THE BISHOP OF ROME. Constantinople II was convoked by Justinian I in 553, to condemn the NESTORIAN writings called the THREE CHAPTERS . Under the virtual tutelage of the emperor, the council proscribed NESTORIANISM and reconfirmed the doctrine that CHRIST S TWO NATURE , ONE HUMAN AND ONE DIVINE!, are perfectly UNITED IN ONE PERSON . Pope VIGILIUS at first defended the THREE CHAPTERS , but later accepted the councils ruling. Constantinople III was summoned by Constantine IV in 608-81 with the consent of Pope Agatho. It condemned MONOTHELITISM ang affirmed that Christ has two wills , one human and one divine , but that these are without division or confusion. In addition, it condemned an earlier Pope , HONORIUS I, for supporting that heresy. CONSTANTINOPLE IV, in 860-70, made no new dogmatic decisions, instead , it greatly contributed to the growing split between the eastern and western churches. The principal action was to depose , PHOTIUS , the Patriach of Constantinople , for usurping his ecclesiastical position. Later PHOTIUS was restored to his see, and he held another council in 879-80, this later council, not that 869, is considered ecumenical by the Orthodox Church. Megan King, heres the topic on Constantine. One topic at a time. Ill get another source so as not to be bias.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 02:00:54 +0000

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