Answers to Tarot Tuesday’s spot reading and my “take” on - TopicsExpress


Answers to Tarot Tuesday’s spot reading and my “take” on them: If you picked card #1 from the Ascended Masters’ Oracle Cards: The answer to your question is a giant “YES”! All the doorways are open for you, and the pathway is clear. Any previous obstacles have been removed. Keep a positive mind-set about the situation to ensure the best possible outcome. Ganesh is the Hindu remover of obstacles. When I draw this card for a client, I see it as affirmation of their path and a confirmation that they should continue on, especially if they’ve been feeling doubt or worry. You can ask Ganesh to help ease these emotions to keep them from blocking your progress! If you picked #2 from “Talking to Heaven” Mediumship Cards: “I will always point you in the right direction.” “Although I’m not God or an angel, I do have the ability to guide you. Keep in mind that I’m not privy to the all-knowing wisdom of the universe—for that, you’d want to consult God (which you can do, just by asking for help). However, I do have the benefit of all my earthly lessons, which taught me a lot. I also have a broader perspective on your circumstances from my heavenly vantage point. “So you can think of me as a trustworthy confidant whom you can turn to for advice. Please know that I’ll do all I can to guide you toward what’s best for you. I’ve learned how to get my own ego out of the way and focus upon helping you and others from a place of pure love. You’ll notice the signs that I send to you through your feelings, dreams, and other reminders to think of me.” Choosing this card means you’ve lost someone significant at some point in your life, but as our souls are eternal, this spirit is with you always and guiding you. Find comfort in this! I don’t know if I agree with James Van Praagh here that spirits are not privy to the all-knowing wisdom of the universe, however. I had a near death experience more than 20 years ago where there was no feeling of time or space, all was PERFECT light and love, and not only was I privy, I WAS the wisdom of the universe! Made it real tough to come back, other than I knew it wasn’t my time and that I had a purpose to fulfill (which I’m fulfilling!) I just read about James’ NDE, and while he had visits from departed souls, he never went down that famed tunnel into the brilliant light, according to his account. At any rate, if your loved one has indeed crossed over, I guarantee they are coming from a loving, non-judgmental place and only wish to help you! Ask them out loud for assistance! Talk in your car, when everyone will think you’re singing or on your Bluetooth Spirits and Angels and Ascended Masters will not violate your free will. Even though they can telepathically read your thoughts, it provides clarity when you ask for your needs aloud. Card #3 from Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards: Do More Research Health care is a partnership between a patient, healer, and God. This card serves as a reminder that it’s important to fulfill your role. Don’t remain passive; instead, listen to the Divine whispers within your thoughts and feelings, which are the voices of God and Archangel Raphael guiding your steps in the healing process. Trust your feelings, and know that you have rights and options. If you have chosen this card, you or someone you love is experiencing an illness or life threatening situation. Listen to your intuition, and go with your gut as to which practitioners can provide you with the best advice and direction. For the last year, I had what my doctors’ and many alternative practitioners considered a “chronic” stomach condition. After spending thousands of dollars and literally seeking medical advice from anyone I could think of, I finally surrendered and prayed to my angels and guides to lead me to the person who could get to the root of this issue. I continued with my life, despite the intense pain, and took a job as a yoga teacher at a new studio. On my very first day, the first student who walked in and put her mat directly in front of me happened to be an intuitive nutritionist and true soul sister. We connected instantly, and she put me on a diet and supplement protocol that completely eradicated my so-called “chronic” condition! My point in telling you this is NEVER lose hope! ASK for right direction, and trust that you will be lead to the right people at the right time. My year of illness allowed me to encounter many, many different forms of healing that I now may pass on to others. I also developed a much deeper level of compassion, enabling me to do the psychic mediumship work that I do with more care and accuracy, so it was not without its lessons! (By the way, the nutritionist’s name is Amy Talbot, and she is a miracle worker. Message me if you’d like her contact info.) And finally, #4 from the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins deck (I LOVE this deck!): “As your feelings toward your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately.” By drawing this card, Heaven asks you to release some remaining “mother issues.” Give the entire situation to Heaven, knowing that everything is in the hands of Infinite Spirit. The situation may heal in unexpected ways. Be unconcerned with how it heals, and be vigilant in releasing any lower energies connected with your mother that could interfere with your life’s mission. By releasing any mother issues to Heaven, your heart opens further to accepting joy and blessings into your life. Your mother benefits when you’re happy, whether or not she’s consciously aware of it. Be willing to forgive and release old issues relating to yourself, your mother, mother figures, or anyone connected to your mother. By cleaning your inner house, you invite new love, opportunities, abundance, and healing energy to enter your life. Ooh, this is a biggie! In my readings, I ask clients to please hold onto their questions in their mind’s eye, until spirit speaks, because often the message for their highest growth is not the same as their burning question. If I do not answer their question, I tell them to by all means speak up before the end of our session. Often, the spirit world will want to bring up old family issues that the client would rather repress or forget. But it doesn’t work that way. You don’t have a fast pass to blissful peace and joy without FIRST going through the “muck” and feeling your feelings, witness them, and allow them to pass (read my first book, “Yoga for a Broken Heart” for more on this process). It’s part of the whole human process that we signed up for, remember? So if you haven’t learned your lessons yet, understand that there’s nothing to forgive, truly, if our mothers are simply playing a “part” in the movie we designed before we were born in order for our soul to spiritually evolve. Yes, you need to go there FIRST. Then, a magical thing happens. A burden is lifted, we are free to live the absolute highest version of ourselves! I PROMISE! I recently bartered some readings for a “Somatic Experience” with my friend and former book publicist, Sherri Rosen. One of the things that came up for me about my stomach issues (see the above card #3) in addition to the physical stuff, was the fact that my tummy just didn’t feel “heard.” When I was a little girl, my mother often spoke for me. Her favorite story to retell is how I had chronic ear infections, and how my pediatrician finally told her to “shut up” when he asked me how I was feeling. She thought that was funny. For me, not so much. I learned to suppress my feelings, especially in my gut, the seat of my burgeoning psychic intuition, which my mother deemed “evil.” I say this with no blame, as again, I understand now she was only playing her part, helping me be a better listener in the big picture. However, I had an ongoing problem of feeling “not heard” as well as suppressing my psychic gifts. When Sherri led me through the process of allowing my stomach to voice its concerns, any bloating and pain simply and rapidly dissipated. And I realized that I still, after many years of therapy, was holding onto some pain and unforgiveness surrounding my mother. It’s ongoing work, because light workers and empaths everywhere are all being faced with bringing any and all issues to the surface so they may be healed, and we may ascend to a higher dimension. But once it “clicks,” and you no longer blame your mother for all your problems, the relief is liberating! I sure hope my own daughters understand this, as we are all just doing the best that we can in any moment, given the knowledge we have.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:07:07 +0000

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