Anti-Christ ? Whatever happened to those Christians who use to - TopicsExpress


Anti-Christ ? Whatever happened to those Christians who use to wave their Holy Bibles and point at everyone with a government job as The Anti-Christ ! Poor Dr. Henry Kissinger seemed like not a day passed in the early 1970s that some Christian or Protestant minister or preacher wasnt shouting Anti-Christ at Dr. Kissinger, the man who did the Shuttle Diplomacy to End The Vietnam War. Now, Pope Dope is out here holding hands with different Religions putting his Celibate nose into US-Cuba Foreign Policy, horns in and try to Direct Turkeys foreign policy to tell them to attack ISIS and manage Turkeys domestic policy by telling them to accept Refugees. Old Pope Dope turn down the Dali Lama because he doesnt want to upset his buddies in China or he might not get Complete Control of his Chinese Catholic Zombies because Beijing and not Rome would appoint the upper level archbishop management. Pope Dope Gropes Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I and still doesnt get The Greek Orthodox Church on board, so now he comes to the P.I. to meet with the regional leader of the Hong Kong based Greek Orthodox to try an end run from behind -- sly -- Pope Dope. The plan to meet a Taiwan-based Buddhist leader in the P.I., is Slick because China and Taiwan are working to improve relations, so Old Pope Dope goes at China from a different angle and tries to Stab Buddha In The Back in the process. Pope Dope is sly. The P.I. would be The Vatican Of The Pacific -- If the country wasnt so Poor and in the midst of Poverty. Still, The P.I. is a wonderful Forward Operating Base for Pope Dope because as an FOB he has the Catholic Bishops Conference Of The Philippines to fall back on and The CBCP are the best zombies outside of The Vatican because they would never question Pope Dope. Old Pope Dope is out her doing his Gog and Magog Routine and not a single holy man in The West has shouted, Anti-Christ.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 22:35:23 +0000

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