Anxiety -------------- Just looking for some advice - I - TopicsExpress


Anxiety -------------- Just looking for some advice - I basically just want to know if other mums feel anxious about their children, keeping them safe, something happening to them and not being able to help. I have previously suffered from quite server depression and anxiety. I’ve been off medication since June 2011, and if possible would like to keep it this way (I have absolutely no problem with taking med’s, it’s the coming off part I don’t want to have to do again). Anyhow, I think my anxiety is coming back – or I’m wondering if it is just part of being a mother (or maybe I just need to stop watching the news). I am constantly thinking of all the things that could go wrong while I’m not there to watch my children. A few examples: I was thinking last night about leaving my son at day care a little longer today because it’s so hot and our air con is broken at the moment. Then I started thinking about him being the last one there and the carers forgetting about him and locking him inside. The other day my MIL was telling me how she took my daughter to the river to have a look, I immediately started thinking of her drowning or something horrible happening because I wasn’t there to watch her. At work, driving to work and heading back to my car after work I am scared that I might have accidently forgot to drop the kids at care and they’ve been locked in the car all day – even though I know that I dropped them off in the morning or my partner has dropped them off. When we get out of the car at the shops, I hold onto my daughter like a vice thinking she might get ran over if I even think of letting her go. I’m just wondering if any other mums have experienced this. I thinking it’s time to go back to the doctor and get a new referral to my psychologist – which doesn’t bother me too much, a little disappointed that I’ve came so far to be turning back towards the way I used to be. I guess I’m just after a little reassurance that I’m not totally crazy.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 10:33:23 +0000

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