Any nexus between Fundamental extremist militancy and - TopicsExpress


Any nexus between Fundamental extremist militancy and religion? edition.cnn/2014/10/06/politics/hillary-clinton-isis/index.html?hpt=hp_t5 This is a mistake we keep making. To divorce fundamentalist extremist terrorism from their religious base is an expensive mistake authorities make and they think it is political correctness. This is similar to the stand that the devil wants us to take about his existence. The devil likes it when we preach or canvass the idea that the devil does not exist or that it is a figment of peoples imagination. This helps many to relax and not be focused on contending with the wiles and intrigues of the devil. To hold that there is no nexus between fundamentalist religion and religious cloned terrorism is only a half truth or one side of the coin. Religion is the air fundamentalist terrorism breathes to grow. It is the fuel it burns to drives its quest for conquest. It is the vehicle for recruitment. The religious motif and the religious ideology whether true or false or cloned or twisted is the main weapon in the battle of the minds for conversion and enlistment of new recruits and fighters and supporters, both silent and active. Even moderate Muslims who shy away from condemning fundamentalist Islamic extremism do so on account of respect for Islam and the underlying demand on all good Muslims to support and work for the protection and expansion of Islam. Islam has an inbuilt dream of world domination. It is not hidden. This dream has just been ignited in this season of the global quest for Islamic Renaissance. To hold this view of none religious connection in the war against fundamentalist extremist religion is to loose the major battle to stem the upsurge of recruitment and continuance of the growth of religious fundamentalism. If we deny this nexus we miss the whole remedy. IT IS FROM THE RELIGIOUS BASE THAT FUNDAMENTALISM AND RADICALISM OF MODERATE ADHERENTS ARE MADE AND FED. The Islamic nations and the nations of the world must clamp down on fundamentalist preachers that radicalize the people in mosques and Islamic communities. The training barracks for the soldiers and operatives of the militant terror army are known to exist in the hotbed of totalitarian Islamic nations. Religious intolerance and denial of freedom of worship and inbuilt political and religious exclusivity and none rejection of the evils of religious conversion by force or the denial of the rights of those born into Muslim families to change their religious belief are all the foundations of the hate mechanism that breeds both active and acquisance fundamentalist terror. Fundamentalist terrorism is a subset of militant Islam. They fly the flag of Islam. Moderate or majority Muslims must denounce and teach against the reign and drive of terror groups using the reason for and dreams of puritanic and revolutionary Islamic renaissance as excuse to drive a modern day global jihad for expansion of their fundamental Islamic faith across the world and the eventual domination of the world. In the final analysis the war is all economic class war, political expansionism, cultural domination and ethnic cleansing but all veiled in the Islamic religious toga to drive the revolution. The motivations are the lure of spoils of war, a dream lifestyle of pleasures both on earth and in the beyond for these who die in the course of the religious war they wage. Those who dis countenance the engine and heart of fundamentalist terrorism from religion must look to history to know how Islam started and grew by violent jihad. The sword has been the major weapon of conversion, never by any other argument or persuasion to conversion by free will. Religious freedom is a universal human tight. Why is the UN or the AU not keen on upholding this. Why is the western world so afraid of Islam today and are giving her freedom to thrive under the aegis of freedom of worship while practicing a vicious war against the christian faith in the public place under the rogue doctrine of the separation of church and state. Christianity is being muscle out and a reverse discrimination is being pursued against evangelical and Pentecostal Christianity today in the a Western nations as they gleefully reject their christian heritage in pursuit of a new status they call the post Christian Era. Why has the nations that have declared themselves Islamic states made themselves closed states that hotly prosecute intolerance of the practice of other faiths and the denial of the rights of Muslim citizens to convert to other religions. This is the other side of the coin we must consider before the blanket and unqualified stand that fundamentalist extremist militancy has no Islamic religious connection. 7. ngrguardiannews/news/national-news/181684-jonathan-rules-out-nexus-between-islam-terrorism The nexus we see is that only Islamic jihadists with extremist bent are the terrorists. They are a subset of the Muslim family. Their motivation comes from the other side of the Koran that encourages jihad and intolerance of people of other faiths. There is a side of the Koran that preaches peace and respect for others but there is a part that teaches violence and jihad. Terrorism in the name of purification and religious cleansing as well as expansion by war may not be the mainline practice of moderate Muslims but they need to unequivocally disclaim the terrorists and distance themselves from their stand. They must denounce the Muslim hate preachers who are radicalizing their children and members. It is not none Muslims who will be defending and making excuses for moderate Muslims who are lukewarm in the fight against Islamic jihadists in their midst. 8. No Sir! They are Muslims but a different kind. They are focusing on a different part of the Koran that teaches violent jihad and intolerance of people off other faiths. If Muslims in Nigeria today or even the Islamic council of Nigeria today will publicly accept the secularity of Nigeria and preach peace in a multi religious and multi cultural Nigeria and would allow all Nigerians freedom of religion of their choice and would accept the reversion of the Nigerian constitution to a secular one with the removal of the sharia provisions smuggled into it, then I can start to listen to the talk that the politics of terrorism in Nigeria is not religious intimidation to have Nigeria be dominated by Islam. In every issue there are two sides and an edge like a coin. One side or one view is not the whole truth. According to moderate Muslims, Boko haram terrorist maybe said to be a minority sect of bad image Muslims. But to deny they are Muslims or that they are fundamentalist Muslims seeking a violent and immediate purification of Islam can only qualify as half of the truth.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 03:43:56 +0000

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