Any thoughts on the Jewish and atheist women who felt inferior - TopicsExpress


Any thoughts on the Jewish and atheist women who felt inferior when having to stand by while a prayer was said at a town meeting in Greece, NY? They are now trying to stop the prayers. I say this is absolutely RIDICULOUS. Why do Christians have to give up their right to prayer just because TWO people dont like it? when we went to school if someone was of a faith that did not participate in prayer or a holiday, they just stood by quietly while the rest of us did whatever it was we did and it was fine. I feel that taking the right to pray in public away from Christians is just as discriminatory as other factions taking it away from us. So they dont believe in Jesus...that is their absolute right. But many people do believe. So instead of taking away from those that do believe, just add something of their own that makes them feel a part of it rather than taking away from others. this drives me crazy. Where did all this PC stuff start, anyway? and why are our tax dollars paying to settle this in the courts? All people need to do is learn to get along....without involving the supreme court at every turn. Grow up!!! Just like not having the creche in Syracuse. The Menorrah stays, the creche goes. What is up with THAT? All factions that want to be represented SHOULD be represented without issue.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:46:42 +0000

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