Any words of advise for this lady? Can anyone help me I am 27 - TopicsExpress


Any words of advise for this lady? Can anyone help me I am 27 years old and have suffered with pcos for 10 years. I have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years now and we have been trying for 15 months with no luck. I figured it was something to do with my pcos but with all the success stories ive heard I still had some hope. Until this week when I was told I have hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) something I inherited from my mom (thanks mom!) and this could be the reason why I’m not able to conceive. I feel like a huge weight as just been dropped on me and that I have lost control over my body and that im failing as a woman. I heard that hypothyroidism and Pcos can be related but I always blamed my tiredness and depression on my lifestyle yknow the busy demending job, playing house etc.. when I found out I had pcos and actually understood what it meant I dealt with the fact that I wouldnt be a skinny size 10 ever in my life, I dealt with the extra facial hair and I even dealt with the fact that it would affect my fertility to the point where it would be hard to get pregnant but not impossible and I can deal with the fact that I will have to be on tablets for the rest of my life but now I just feel alone and angry and upset. I feel the universe I telling me that I shouldn’t have a baby. Im at my witts end and Im about ready to give up PLEASE HELP.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 09:00:27 +0000

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