Anybody with the smattering of Bible knowledge just gets up and - TopicsExpress


Anybody with the smattering of Bible knowledge just gets up and sets up a church. They then give themselves such high-sounding titles as Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors, Prophets, Prophetesses and others. What do they do? They live off the multitude who are afraid to die and become candidates for Hell by arrogating to themselves the power to pray for them using out-moded and doctored scriptures belonging to the Jews. They take advantage of the peoples fear of the unknown to exploit them. They have become conmen and women. These religious charlatans grow richer and richer, whiles those whom they exploit grow poorer and poorer. Look at their lifestyles. They ride in Pajeros, Mercedes Benzes and BMWs and live live in well-furnished homes, eating sumptuous food and drinking good wine. They wear designer clothes with shoes to match, quite in contrast and at variance with the lifestyle of their mentor - Jesus Christ. After taking their undeserved tithes and offerings, they collect additional offerings also from those born on Sunday, male and female, right down to those born on Saturday. Many churches run church services three or more times every Sunday and collect offerings in each occasion, others run services everyday of the week and collect offerings. Many of them conduct all-night services and collect offerings. Some individuals even preach on buses and collect offerings. They never get tired or miss the least opportunity of taking offerings from the gullible, poor folks. In any case the Supreme God has not appointed any body to establish churches and collect tithes and offerings on his behalf. Ask yourself where do the tithes and offerings go? Not to God certainly, but to the pockets of the self appointed priests or pastors. Instead of giving monies to pastors, people should rather donate directly to the orphan, the blind, the cripple, the deaf and mute, and the disadvantage people in society generally. In this way God the creator will bless u abundantly. No wonder Karl Marx the famous Communist, referred to religion as the opium of the masses. Why? Because every body wants to go to Heaven and no body wants to die. Therefore lets beware of such conmen and women attention seekers. They are sheeps I wolves clothings. Samuel Nugent.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 08:49:25 +0000

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