Anyone that follows astrology even a little has heard the dreaded - TopicsExpress


Anyone that follows astrology even a little has heard the dreaded phrase Mercury Retrograde. We all dread it. Even astrologers and psychics dread it. This is the period that we know of as Mercury retrograde when all of the bad stuff happens. Computers burn out. Cars crash. Flights get delayed. Contracts disappear. WHAT IS CAUSING ADDED STRESSES TO LIFE AT THE MOMENT! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Curtisy of Norah - Premium Astrology Anything that can wreak havoc in a day, or for some people even a life, can occur during Mercury retrograde. Well, they can occur any day of the week, but they are more likely to happen now and when they do, phew boy, it aint pretty. And the most common question for these time frames is, is there anything I can do about it? Or am I just stuck with waiting for my computer to blow up on me? Im so glad you asked! Because no, you arent stuck with anything. And while I can not physically prevent your computer from blowing up, your honeymoon flight getting delayed, or your divorce papers getting lost en route, I can tell you how to deal with this time frame without blowing up like your computer. Today you are going to find out how to make the most of ANY Mercury retrograde period so that the next time one comes around, when everyone else is freaking out, you will be sitting pretty. What to Expect? To truly understand how to get past this time frame is to understand what is happening. And its easy! Mercury retrograde is the time period when Mercury goes station or comes to a stop in planet speak. But planets never really stop, because they are planets. They do slow down though and this is what is happening in Mercury retrograde. Think of it this way. When you are driving on the freeway in your car, sometimes you pass other cars, right? This is because you are going faster than them. And when you look into your rearview or side mirror, it looks like those slower cars are moving backwards, right? If you were to use planetary terminology then, you could say those cars are retrograde to your car. They are not stopped, or moving backwards, they simply look and feel like they are. This is what is happening in Mercury retrograde. It is impossible for Mercury to stop all together and move backwards. But it can, and it does, slow down 3 times every year. And because Mercury rules transportation, communications, and contracts and messages, guess what you can expect will slow down during a retrograde period. You got it. All of the above. So this is what you can expect, but knowing what it is, and why it is happening, can help you NOT freak out when it happens. So what do you do? How to Prepare for Mercury Retrograde •Keep on our blogs and email lists! This event happens three times a year, sometimes even four. How are you going to be prepared if you dont know when its happening? We will give you PLENTY of notice to make sure all of your computers are backed up, your cell phones are charged, and all of your contracts are beautifully attended to. Stay tuned! •Make note of “re” themes in this retrograde: re-edit, re-write, re-evaluate, re-imagine, re-consider, re-cover, re-vamp. You will be re-peating a lot of words, communication, messages, and even experiences. You will also be “reliving” a lot, and see a lot from your past come up. Get used to it! •Backup, backup, backup. Even astrologers can get caught by this. After last years Mercury Retrograde in November, I had to buy a new computer. I also had to contact just about everyone I knew for everything from pictures of my sons birthday parties to heaven only knows what else. And backup the things you think dont need it! All of my work files are always secure, but you never think to backup those family picnics, weddings, or anything else on your machines that you cherish…until they are gone. Dont let that happen to you! •Ever had to sleep in an airport overnight because you booked the wrong date on your ticket? Its not fun! Double check and triple check every single reservation, ground transportation method, and flight details if you must travel. I often say, dont during this time frame, but thats not always practical. •Dont get divorced. For at least three weeks. Anything regarding partnership contracts is at risk during this time frame. The last thing you want to happen is to plan and prepare for your divorce for 7 months only to have your papers get lost before your deadbeat ex gets his hands on them. No, that one hasnt happened to me (thank you spirits) but it can and it does happen to many during this time frame. •Charge everything in your life that you use daily that is electrical and needs charging. Twice. And if you are traveling, make sure you have extra chargers. Even chargers fail, believe it or not. If your car breaks down, which it is more likely to now, you will need your phone. And it feels really silly to be at the side of the road in the middle of the night with a car that wont start and a perfectly good phone, that has no charge. (Or so Ive heard *wink*) •And this brings me to your vehicle or your primary means of transportation. Now is the time, BEFORE Mercury Retrograde, to double and triple check everything. And that means everything. Get your oil changed, keep gas in the car, check your plate tags, make sure your insurance is up to date, all of it. Expect break downs, accidents, delays, etc. And its not a bad time to pickup a GPS if you dont have one. You may well forget that tip for now, until youre on that time sensitive road trip your boss sent you on into the middle of…where again?? And thats it! You know, there are some things in life that we can control, and some things that we cant. Embracing that notion and accepting it will help you to lead a more structured and organized life, and as well, it will help you to navigate those times in your life when uncertainty and calamities prevail. Youre not going to be able to avoid it if Mercury Retrograde makes an appearance. You can however, be as prepared as possible. Are you ready?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 16:42:13 +0000

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