Anyone who contributes to the welfare of commoners much like - TopicsExpress


Anyone who contributes to the welfare of commoners much like myself are the true heros.They stock our grocery stores,they fix our houses and serve our food.As long as a individual does something out of charity or kindness is every bit as important to those who served in the military.For me,there was no choice,Im a 3rd generation soldier and now my son is the 4th and Im very proud of what hes shown me as a individual.Things we accomplish are the fibers of who we are,you alone are responsible for passing or failing.Im very open and sometimes opinionated in how I post and its usually a chance to stand on the cracker barrel and tell the world exactly how I feel,but in reality Im extremely introverted so yay FB for allowing me to compose gazillions of things that absolutely piss me off and the good things.And yes,I can be a incredible pain in the ass but thankfully Im adorable and get away with alot of shit lol.Some of you guys I would love to meet someday and theres those that could possibly hinder my freedom if you get my drift lol.In conclusion,please dont hate me because Im pretty,youre much better than that lol.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 04:34:45 +0000

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