Anyone who knows anything about CH cats knows Shakey Puddin Pie. - TopicsExpress


Anyone who knows anything about CH cats knows Shakey Puddin Pie. So sorry Deb. My heart aches with yours. Life with CH Cats Remembering Shakey Puddin’ Pie and Her Endless Impact Posted: 03 Sep 2014 06:29 PM PDT People say cats have nine lives. For some that’s certainly true, but it’s really just a saying, and those nine lives are always wrapped up in one lifetime. But sometimes one life can have the impact of nine lives — if not more. That’s why I wanted to post today. There’s a special cat you need to know about. Her name was Shakey Puddin’ Pie, and I’m so sorry to share that today she passed over Rainbow Bridge. Shakey was one of the most popular and important CH cats I’ll ever have known. She was the heart — the reason — behind all of the love and effort CH cat adoption expert Deb Martin put into her work. Deb did it for love. Deb did it because of her love for Shakey. As I was thinking about this post, I knew I wanted it to be a celebration of Shakey’s life. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it wasnt a celebration of just her life, but how Shakey opened the door for hundreds — if not thousands of lives (CH cats and other special needs creatures) — that otherwise wouldnt have had a chance. Shakey and Deb saved lives. Shakey and Deb helped pets find forever homes. Shakey and Deb changed lives. How do I know this? Because it happened to me. Deb changed my life. First by being a great friend (even though weve never met) — and second by helping me adopt my little girl, one of the greatest joys in the world. And it’s all thanks to Deb. Thanks to Shakey. And as I learned of this solemn news today, I couldnt help but imagine what it would be like to lose my little one. My heart simply breaks at the thought of what Deb and her family must be going through. And even though this time may be incredibly tough to live through, and even though sweet Shakey’s life has come to an end, here’s what I really wanted to share: Deb, Shakey’s impact will never die. Every day I see your love for Shakey — the reason that brought me and Ellie together — in my Ellie. Every day people all over the nation, heck, the world, will think of what youve done for them and thank you for it. You have changed our lives for the better, and we will always remember that. We’ll always remember Shakey. Lots of love to you and your family.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:25:42 +0000

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